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Recruiting Idaho players


Active member
Nice article in The Journal today about what some fans complain about (in my opinion, unjustifiably so)...the recruiting of Idaho kids to come and play for the Bengals...

Here's the story...

spartan said:
i heard there's a 5'8 linebacker that the bengals missed out on who is going to usc ;)

That's okay...we all know 5-8 linebackers can't play! :lol: (anybody ever see Mike Calley play?!!!)

LOL....good one!
Good interview with Nick Whitworth. He's really a great guy and hope he eventually gets on somewhere (maybe here) as an o-coordinator and eventually head coach. His family used to come to ISU games all the time when Nick and Josh both were playing ball, and I'd run into them every now and then at ISU tailgate parties. Very, very fine people.
Spartan....You can laugh all you want to about the 5'8" linebacker but I bet Whitworth and many other locals are laughing at you being as his brother, Josh is probably not much taller than 5'8" and was a starting linebacker(because he got a shot to play for ISU) during the Lewis era!!! The journal article did very little to calm me....I have never said to give out scholarships just because the player is from Idaho...I still think they do a very poor job recruiting in state...There are too many players that are overlooked....Sorry, but now you got me going again....I better jump my original post up to the top, being as it has 3000 hits...Looks like more people than I am interested in this subject.
I mean this very respectfully, Orange.

Please do not bump the article--let's give it some rest.

In the original thread, I see very few people actually agreeing with what you have to say. I would say that 95% of the post have to do with people that disagree with the notion that ISU is NOT recruiting Idaho like they should be.

Curious, then, if you think Idaho State overlooks kids in-state, do you also believe Boise State and Idaho overlook the same kids? I've heard that ISU (and Whitworth in particular) tries to get into every high school in the state. What if you graded the three in-state schools as to who does the better job with local recruits - who grades out the best - worst? I know it's two different topics - do the schools recruit in-state enough and then are there Idaho kids who get overlooked?

Interesting quotes in article by ISU player form Idaho that he believes you have to recruit out of state and he didn't seem to think many Idaho kids were getting overlooked. 'The ones that get away' always leads to debate.
gobigornage - just to make certain this is perfectly clear - i wasn't making fun of the midget linebacker - i was making fun of YOU :lol: :lol: :lol:
Boise and Idaho are not in the same classification as ISU and I still believe more Idaho kids are legite DIV I AA players. The players speaking out that are from Idaho luckily got there chance but I still believe ISU does a poor job recruiting Idaho. Talk to people in your work place...The subject is as old as dirt because every year there are a certain fraction that think the same as I....Most people replying have ties to the University or are from out of state...I am thankful for the out of state players, I know WE NEED THEM!A huge percentage of Idaho scholarship players (not walk ons) have excelled for ISU.Whatever the case I believe more people share my view point than you think....It must have touched a nerve with SOMEONE for the Journal to write an article to defend the program. This is all just my opinion. And Cub, respectfully, why have so many hits been on that site?
You can talk about hits until you are blue in the face. Each time someone posts something new--most people take the time to read it. So while the topic may be interesting--your opinion on the subject is shared by very few. Seriously, look thru the thread that you say is so popular and show me five different people that agree with you stance on the subject.

The fact that you have BUMPED the subject so many times is going to make it get hits.

Seriously, can we please move on? I value the opinion that you have, but I want to see something new.
Just to clarify something...The rosters I had showed Montana with 56 Montana players and Montana State with 49 in state players. That's alot of good solid Montana players between 2 programs.
cub - sorry you're bored with this and no disrespect intended by continuing. And by the way, you have done a great job with the bios. That said, this topic seems to get a lot of play all the time on these message boards (and around the coffee maker and water cooler). I'm not a coach and I'm not the parent of a player, but I'm interested in knowing what people believe actually needs to be done to recruit idaho. If ISU isn't doing that, then maybe gobigorange is right.

But whenever I hear fans say or I've read that ISU doesn't recruit, or to say there are alot of DII kids in Idaho, that doesn't tell me ISU is missing out on the D1 players they should be recruiting. It just says it would be nice to give more Idaho kids who aren't good enough to play or be recruited by Boise State, Idaho, BYU, Utah, Utah State, etc to get $$$ from ISU. And while ISU and those schools may be recruiting a different caliber of player, fact remains that ISU is D1 and needs better players than go to Western Montana in order to compete in Big Sky.

So, what should they be doing that they aren't?
perhaps they should be moving on to a (any?) new topic and stop beating a dead horse only two 'people' seem to care about
I agree with orange. Perhaps a reason that some kids opt out of free schooling is that they get jerked around before the offer comes. There are the few cases of us offering a idaho kid early, but many more are the cases of those that are strung along till the last minute and then told sorry just walk on. Out of state guys are good, but for this level there are plenty of quality kids within driving distance. a sports illustrated article several months ago detailed in state recruiting for colleges. 9 bcs schools have won 50 or more games from 04 to 08, 7 had more than 50 percent of their players from in state or within 200 mi of campus. That is at the highest level. You mean to say that there aren't enough players within those parameters to play here? I don't buy it for a second. We think that we have to go outta state for the majority of our players. We don't. Montana doesn't. They bring in a few outta state guys, then develop all their players. They develop good players in a system that they can excell in. Good players playing together make great teams! That's what boise is. That's what utah is. That's what we need to be. To say it doesn't work is just dumb. How many straight have the teddy bears up north won? 11? 15 of 17? If they have 56 mon kids that nearly 80% of their roster. Is montana high school football that good? If so, why aren't we recruiting the hell out of that state as opposed to wash? It can work, it just takes effort. And ISU doesn't put enough of it into making it work.
"it just takes effort. And ISU doesn't put enough of it into making it work."

Saying that about Whitworth (a native of Mackay) and Zamberlin, who have so many Idaho High Schools in their summer camp and visit every Idaho high school, is possibly one of the dumbest things I've ever seen written on this board.


Let it be Frank, these people are more concerned with petty pissing contests than building a program. They'd rather see an ISU team that's 0-24 over two seasons with 95% Idaho rather than a winning team with 15-20% Idaho.

Favoritism at its best. How amusing
There are the few cases of us offering a idaho kid early, but many more are the cases of those that are strung along till the last minute and then told sorry just walk on.

References please. If not, please keep your redneck bullshit to yourself. :lol:
I'll address your argument as I have for the last twenty years when someone new to the board thinks they are presenting a new argument saying Montana and MSU recruit so well in state compared to ISU. First, none of you ever makes this argument about Boise or Idaho. Unbelievably they do about their own teams, but none of you who complain about ISU ever point out they have more scholarships to offer and offer fewer than ISU does in state. That said; let's compare ISU to Montana or Montana State. Montana has four Idaho kids on the team, how many Montana kids on ISU's roster, how many on any team in the Big Sky other than MSU. Answer, none. MSU has two Idaho players on their roster that makes six players who chose to go out of state to play football. Every player who is on the MSU roster was offered by ISU; two of Montana's were offered at ISU. They made a choice to go to school where they did. I respect that decision, but let me say it is a decision that is not an option for 99% of kids raised in Montana. Montana kids go to school in Montana, not Idaho, not Washington, they go in Montana. The majority of the Montana kids at both Montana schools are walk-ons, and proud to be on the team. Montana kids don't dream of playing for BYU or Boise, they dream of playing for Montana, MSU, Western Montana, and Carroll. In other words, they are loyal to the state schools, something that cannot be said of Idaho kids. Idaho kids are loyal to the church and the almighty win, definitely not the state. Imagine every Div. I level player who went to out of state schools for the past four years playing on ISU's team. ISU would have 60 in state kids on the team, instead every year we lose kids to Weber, Eastern Washington, Montana, MSU, kids who made their own chose of where they wanted to play football. Most were offered by ISU, some were not, but instead of staying in Idaho to play, they left. That is something that a Montana kid does not do, thus every school in Montana is loaded with in state kids. Loyalty is what it is called, the only one in Idaho expected to show that kind of loyalty is ISU, the kids and parents who live here are not.
quote="blackfootbengal"]Loyalty is what it is called, the only one in Idaho expected to show that kind of loyalty is ISU, the kids and parents who live here are not.[/quote]

I think this bears repeating. ;)

Like they say, Idaho has 3 capital cities, Pocatello is not one of them.

BTW, the increase in BSU hats in Pocatello speaks to their fickle nature.
By comparison in the last TWO years 17 Idaho players have accepted offers to D-1 schools other than Idaho State. Whereas, only four from the state of Montana have left the state to play for other D-1 programs.

Now, I know the recruiting services are not exact and this is not an exact number, but this still is a pretty good sampling. It shows that the best talent in MT is staying home and playing for the Cats and Griz. While the top talent in the state of Idaho is being spread out between ISU, Idaho, BSU, Utah State and BYU.

It adds up over four to five years, let alone eight to ten. With BSC recruiting classes typically ranging between 15-18 commitments per year these numbers becoming even more glaring. IF ISU can get 5-6 Idaho kids to commit every year, they have done an exceptional job.

Also, I encourage you to visit the Montana and Montana State fan boards. The Griz and the Cats make a living offering kids partials, utilizing GREYSHIRT years and by getting kids to walk-on with a chance to earn financial assistance in the future. Winning traditions makes these things work--and when all these things come together and work together, good things happen.

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