I live in the Puget sound area 35 miles from Seattle (too close) I never saw a Bigsky game untill I saw one on Root sports.
Sorry but Bigsky football gets almost zero coverage here in the Seattle media. EWU might get a blurb on the Sunday morning sports report after a playoff win but thats about it. Root put Bigsky football on here in Seattle right along with the Mariners. Had a number of people I worked with (knew I was a Eastern fan) tell me on Monday that they watched a Eastern football game. That only happened because of Root sports being one of the channels that Puget sound area sports fans regularly visit. After this year that exposure is gone and I also thought Root with Tom Glasco (long time Seattle broadcaster that Seattle area people recognize ) did a nice job covering the games.
Untill this year on the west wide Bigsky football had Root sports or Pluto tv. Starting next year it will be ESPN+ only. Don't get me wrong ESPN+ is a great upgrade over Pluto even if Pluto was free but the casual sports viewer in the Puget sound area will never see a Eastern or a Bigsky game.
I hope Bigsky and root can put a deal together for next year but I doubt it. Root is down to only 4 games this year and the ESPN deal probably sealed the deal. To me the ESPN deal (except for the 2 games a year on ESPNU) was just a replacement for Pluto. Losing Root means if you want to see a Bigsky game you will have to seek it out and no exposure to the casual fan.