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Sac State to get new $1.2 million track


Active member
Sac was awarded the 2014 USA Track & Field National Championships...

"Sacramento State University will get a new $1.2 million running track in the deal to bring the 2014 USA Track & Field National Championships back to Sacramento.

Officials announced Tuesday a new main track will be built at Hornet Stadium, likely next spring, as part of a deal to lure the national championships back to Sacramento after a 12-year hiatus...."
Interesting, there are three master plan scenario's being discussed and two of them have the track being removed from the stadium for a football only facility. This move pretty much assures a track will be part of the stadium for awhile.
Sure this is an improvement and will bring exposure to the campus... However, if there isn't a corresponding plan that will upgrade other areas of the facility (restrooms, concessions, permanent seating, video boards, etc, this will be a complete waste IMO. Especially because we'll have the same problem of being seating so far away from game action during football season....
Sounds like this is just a new track surface in the existing location. Cool that we get a new track surface paid for by outsiders. Not cool that we are stuck with a track in the football stadium for an even longer period of time now. Gonzo needs to get additional facilities (concessions, bathrooms, storage) and a better press booth built/included as part of this agreement to use our stadium for this event. Those facilities will certainly be needed if the goal is to bring back the Olympic trials to Sac.

I’ve been to the NCAA regional meets in Eugene in the past. Nothing can compare to they way they host and organize T&F events. Biggest down side to Eugene is the unpredictable weather in the spring time and inadequate amount of lodging for travelers.

The other issue not mentioned is the field events. Since we have turf (and we sure as hell better not be taking it out); the javelin, shot put, and discus have to be held elsewhere and thus attendees have to go to a completely separate area to view. At Eugene all that stuff is done on the infield of the track and can be seen along side the races. The hammer throw is the lone event not completed inside the main stadium.
As a track guy, if I were in charge, the first thing I'd do after getting this deal to keep the track would be to rip out that dangerous turf and replace it with grass. The infield can be used either for jav or as a common warm-up place for athletes during track meets. This is common EVERYWHERE except those places with that nasty turf. Grass should come back.

Yes, I'm in a minority among football fans on that, but I do believe that this is the most economical way for the two sports to co-exist. The other option would be to put up a separate track stadium, and in my mind, that's a HUGE waste of $$....
You do realize that a grass field requires a lot more labor and materials to maintain vs the artificial field turf currently in the stadium right? There is no economical advantage of grass over turf whatsoever. Prioritizing T&F needs over football is just stupid talk. Even the worst attended Hornet football games bring thousands more through the gates than any Hornet T&F event.
SDHornet said:
You do realize that a grass field requires a lot more labor and materials to maintain vs the artificial field turf currently in the stadium right? There is no economical advantage of grass over turf whatsoever. Prioritizing T&F needs over football is just stupid talk. Even the worst attended Hornet football games bring thousands more through the gates than any Hornet T&F event.

Lets be honest here, money drives the bus. If the town of Sac can be awarded guaranteed, rotational T&F events for the next 20+ yrs. and the economical impact it brings to the region, the facility will be favored heavily for T&F events. ie. there will be a track in the facility.

Until Hornet football can force out the T&F events in terms of revenue potential, I don't see the scenario changing, unfortunately. T&F could infill with other year around events to provide a continuous feed of revenue generating opportunities. There are only 5-6 Hornet football events a year currently, not enough $$ potential at 8K a game.

I find it strange that in the master plan being debated/discussed right now, two of the three plans are instantly obsolete (alternative B&C), why even list them in the discussion if you know an announcement of this magnitude was being made collectively at the same time?
That’s the thing, it won’t be guaranteed unless significant upgrades are made to Hornet Stadium. I think the goal is to get regular national and Olympic T&F events to Sac but unless Sac State sees some benefit to this (facility upgrades) then I don’t see the point. Yes it’s a selfish standpoint but ultimately this is something that has to be approved by Gonzo. He better be leveraging this to get some funding/investing for Hornet Stadium upgrades, or even (gasp) a new stadium. Also tearing out the turf and reinstalling grass should be a non-starter.
Short of building a new track stadium (which will happen when Wilbur sprouts wings), a grass football field with a track is the way to go. First, injuries are lessened (I'm STILL not convinced about the new turf, which is still harder than grass and has the added issue of flying pellets that are eventually going to put someone's eyes out). Second, we lose potential dates (graduations, concerts, etc.) during the summer on a turf field because the temperatures get too high. (We may not be doing that much in that regard right now, but we ought to be promoting the heck out of the stadium for those things.) For me, it makes too much sense to do anything else. Grass field with a nine- or ten-lane all-weather track. THAT is the way to go.
I would be really happy to read that Hornet was getting a $1.2 million renovation to replace the bathrooms, press box and green mesh, but any improvement is very much welcomed, particulauly when it's paid by others. I'm kind of hoping the city and commission see this as the beginning of a long term partnership to lure more major events to Hornet, spurring more and more combined efforts to renovate the facility.
Super Hornet said:
Short of building a new track stadium (which will happen when Wilbur sprouts wings), a grass football field with a track is the way to go. First, injuries are lessened (I'm STILL not convinced about the new turf, which is still harder than grass and has the added issue of flying pellets that are eventually going to put someone's eyes out). Second, we lose potential dates (graduations, concerts, etc.) during the summer on a turf field because the temperatures get too high. (We may not be doing that much in that regard right now, but we ought to be promoting the heck out of the stadium for those things.) For me, it makes too much sense to do anything else. Grass field with a nine- or ten-lane all-weather track. THAT is the way to go.
Any studies or reports on these “lessened” injuries? These rubber pellet fields have been in use at all levels for over a decade now, any reports of eye losses? And when was the last time a concert or graduation was held in HS? Once (fingers crossed) the events center goes in HS will never be used for any events outside of athletics.

BTW I attended the Master Plan open forum last night. Per the presenter, a study on permanent seating for HS closer to the field (i.e. track removed) was done a year ago so we can throw that away thanks to this new track. Glad we are sacrificing better lines of sight and being closer to the action for 5-6 football games a year all for T&F events we might get once a year (or once every 4 years). :ohno: :puke:
Way to go SD! Was the event well-attended. Was there vocal opposition/support for any of the projects? Wish I could've gone!

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