I actually do have a good comparison about the Griz and Boise State. I actually went to high school at Boise High School. Boise State did certainly have 20k fans at games well before this last decade of success.
I think a lot of the statements are true that have been posted about EWU vs other institutions already, but I actually do liken Boise State's fan base more to Gonzaga Basketball or U of M in general.
Last time I was in my hometown (during football season last year) I couldn't help but notice the large amount of obnoxious Boise State stuff on people's cars. I'm not joking all this on a single car, 4 windows flags, license plates, license plate cover, football stickers, pomp pomps in the windows etc, and keep it mind, it's not even game day! Then you see one of these cars pretty much at every stop light. I was thinking to myself, these people have been as obsessed about Boise State as Griz fans have become about their teams (they seem to support their basketball team pretty well in addition to football). Granted, there is nothing wrong with being a fan of your team, but that's a little stupid don't you think? I consider myself a pretty big EWU athletic fan (after all, i even go watch some of the women's teams compete
), and yet you don't see all that crap on my car. The U of O superfans take the cake though, they routinely have 4 or more Ducks items on a single vehicle ( Go OSU!).
I think people just get excited about something within their community actually mattering on a national scale. Before Boise State's success in football there were almost no mentions of Boise, or Idaho in mainstream media. Now even the most casual sports fan probably knows about Boise State's blue turf or that "they have a good football team right?" I think the same is true about Gonzaga basketball, one of the few things that makes Spokane relevant on a national scale, so of course people in Spokane are pumped up about it. I think it's great they have something to latch onto that represents their community in a really positive way. I'm not trying to Trash Spokane, or Boise, or even Missoula, but you can't deny the fact they are the biggest thing that represents their community as a whole, which leads me to Eastern.
Eastern is 1) not really associated to Spokane by most people of Spokane, they seem to consider it as near Spokane, but not Spokane. 2) We don't play at the top level of football (in the eyes of the general public, not what we think), and so it makes it more difficult for the general public to latch on. Would the Spokane community go bananas if Whitworth went 10-2 for the next 8 seasons in a row? Not sure, but given by their basketball teams success that at least I was completely unaware of prior to our new coach, I kind of doubt it (granted I haven't lived in Spokane in 6 years you guys would know better than I would). I think the biggest reason for that is they don't compete at the highest level.
I dunno, I want people to care about Eastern and Eastern Football even if they're not EWU alumni or parents of students, but I'm just not sure what it's going to take to change that, I don't think one national championship will be enough, I'm totally with Dopa though, I don't think our crappy facilities help us at all, we need to implement something like what Ranger designed, but of course that takes fans, and money.