Active member
The two people holding the power to get things done were at the game (AD Hickey and President Cullanan). I hope they realize how important the EWU Brand is to entire University as a whole. Because of what the football program has done the last 15 years people know who EWU is and what it represents. Amazing when I NOW wear a hat or a shirt or drive my car that carry the brand on them how many people NOW say something positive about the school(I live in Tri-Cities) everywhere I travel. It wasn't that long ago nobody recognized the brand or even cared. People are very proud to represent...see it all the time, everywhere..NOW. NOW is an opportunity to build the brand and continue to sell the positives of the University. Again, I hope they move on the Football venue that reflects the overall appearance of the school as a first rate institution and looks (and 1st impressions for potential new students) are indeed everything. Personally I'm tired of talk and these two seem to have determination and the means to do whatever it takes to make things happen.