Everything surrounding the University of Montana is starting to become one big joke. :roll:
Of course we all knew what kind of a site Egriz was
Wow!?! Seriously? First, I don't excuse the actions of the UM football team. Yes, I'm sure there have been a number of sexual assaults and issues that need to be addressed and prosecuted, which weren't. That is the issue that has been happening in Missoula, over and over again. Those individuals in authority, who, probably due to allegiance to the football team, rather than to justice, decided to overlook cases and let the offender slide, when instead they should have been prosecuted by the full extent of the law. If they are guilty then so be it, if not, then they return back to life. It isn't up to Grizz fans to decided whether or not a player is guilty but the law and if those responsible to the law can't/won't based on fan allegiance then they shouldn't hold their positions and should have the Department of Justice breathing down their ass. The "boys will be boys" crap needs to end.
Second, WTF?? Really?? A reporter who is angry at a bunch of immature men writes about it in her newspaper? I've only taken 1 journalism class in my educational career, but in it I learned you, as a reporter, don't use the paper as a instrument of vengence. Journalists are required to be unbiased and fair. Their top priority is to publish FACTS, not to use an article to attack an institution, even one as gross and biased as Egrizz (Montana's should be absolutely embarrassed that Egrizz, for many fans of football, becomes the face of Montana). Granted, if she writes and Op-Ed column, she has the right to say what she wants, but it is seen as opinion, not facts.
Third, holy SHIT!!! Honestly, are the men of Montana as stupid as they sound on Egrizz and the comments of the missoulan? UM fans are constantly trying to claim that one reason they shouldn't belong in the Sky, is that they are such an amazing academic institution. That they are so academically superior to any other Sky school, that, evidently, they should be in a better conference. First, academic record isn't pushing realignment, but football prowess, hence why Boise State can move to bigger conferences (Boise State is on par with the DATC or Fran Brown Cosmetology school). Second, if UM were such a strong academic institution, you'd think their graduates would present a more honorable, polished, mature, and responsible damenor than what is exhibited on EGrizz. A school is represented best by its fans and graduates. To me, due to Egrizz and the idiots (most probably never went to college, its like the majority of Utahans who are either Y or U fans who have never spent 1min on eitherr campus) who post on that site, I have a very low opinion of Montana and the University of Montana's academic record. What a joke of a school.
The NCAA and the DOJ needs to make sure Montana is greatly humbled. Not for their atheles, but more for the immature idiots that call themselves men and fans. Chivalry, respect, honor, and duty are merely words in a punchline for Montana's not something they actually understand, regard, or do. Men would honor, protect, and defend their community and women, not in Montana.