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So who is the best player on PSU\'s Basketball team?

1) Deonte Huff - best athlete and all-around player on the team.

2) Jeremiah Dominguez - If you asked who the most important player on the team, JD would get my vote, however he comes in 2nd in the best player category.

3) Scott Morrison - Since his freshman year I could see an all bsc player in the making, however, "Big Canada" always left me disappointed. Maybe my expectations were too high, but I think he should be avg. 15-20 pts and 10-12 rebounds a game. That's how good I believe he is. The last 6 games has really turned his senior season from an okay one to a good one, but I think he could push it to a great year if the Viks make it to the big dance.
Huff. Hands down.

He has great basketball instincts that constantly put him in the right place at the right time. Brings the energy of a Blake Walker or an Antone Jarrell on both ends of the court. Puts team first and his personal stats second.
I can't decide between Huff and Morrison. I think these are the two guys on our team who would get consistent playing time on a Pac-10 team.
I have to echo the first two responses. Huff, Dominguez, Morrison. Dominguez is the reason this team hasn't faltered like last year's squad.

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