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sports information blogs


Active member
a quick search provided some 100 + (D-1 included) university supported blogs run by sprots information programs and personnel - sids included

as stated previously

protege = troll
as expected, more names and lack of information

a blog is DIFFERENT than a public message board

just FYI

keep calling the names, you make my point over and over, I dont care what you think of me at all, I want the university to be seen in the highest light possible, I also want to see a commitment by everyone to everything that makes this school great, including athletics

how bout using this board to PROMOTE our athletics instead of running anyone off that happens to think different than you
there is not a MAJOR D1 school in America where the SID banters back and forth with posters - NONE!

as stated previously
How are you going to prove it? Go check and get back to us! Like I said ISU has alot of issues, but why you are so obsessed with this is amusing.
I don't think people get ran out of here because they have differing opinions at all.

I think it is all about how you make the point you are trying to make. I am glad to have ISUSID on this board, because he is a good source for accurate information. He very rarely gives an opinion here at all unless someone chaps his nuts.

Personally, I go on the attack when someone bashes a student athlete by name. Baseless promotions by friends and family for playing time by ripping another player get at me as well--as do people that bitch and moan without offering up any type of solution. I also, don't do well with the poster that lies dormant for months and months--only appearing to spew negativity. I think to some extent, others are offended by some of these practices as well.

Frankly, I have done my share of attacking as of late and quite a bit of it is done out of frustration. I also, look back and say--man that was kind of stupid to go on and on about, but at least I can admit it. But, it has everything to do with being a proud Bengal fan of 30+ years...it comes naturally for me to defend the University that I love, because I have had to my whole life.

As a wise friend of mine once wrote--Being a Bengal fan isn't always easy, but its always fun.
bengal cub, good post!

you and I can agree to differ on the SID issue but I too feel compelled to defend the school and the athletes when shamelessly attacked
in fact sports information directors have their very own public (as much as this board is public - you have to join) discussion board - and there are literally dozens if not hundreds of sids who post in almost every conceivable place and way... (blogs, message boards, whatever you want to call it) if you are unaware of it ... well thats not my problem

as for you not caring what i think of you.. well at least we agree on something

you try to give the impression you want the university and its programs to be thought of highly... your posts don't come across that way - they are filled with .... 'venom' is the best word i can come up with... thats why i think of you as a troll... if you don't have anything to contribute go away... if you really do care about isu and its sports programs... try to help/be constructive/offer up/post something other than what reads like a tantrum against someone/programs who are doing their best.... if you have personal issues with someone (isuid, members of the atletics staff/whomever) - deal with them - or maybe even give them a call (he posted his email and phoone number for christs sake) - otherwise you just come off as a whiney pus*y

as for running you off... i'm not the moderator - do what you want, just dont' feign shock or indignation when someone else thinks you're a troll 'cuz your just posting... well.. bullsh*t
:idea: hey protege...you really are a lightbulb kid. is that idiotic light of yours ever on?? are you for real coming on the attck of something so petty as our SID posting on here? if all that you have spewn on this board so far in your...week or two of existance is your real feelings and not some, as Spartan said, BULLSH*T, reveal yourself so we can see some of the validity to your rants. oh, thats right, then you would have to actually MAN UP to what you have puked out at us. TROLL, very appropriate choice of words!!!! i've been where you are, coming on here to do nothing but piss people off (and i love the university also). it was a waste of my time and sooner or later someone will find you out and your identity WILL BE THROWN OUT ON HERE FOR ALL TO SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. Bird...i never understood if you saw where my question was coming from on the expokygrad thing. i'll personal message you.

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