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Spring Practice

Bengal Roar

Active member
Any comments on Spring Practice? Wondering if anyone has been up there to preview the Bengals and the newest additions? Let us know if so.
Have not been able to get over to see practice this week, but wonder if they are practicing. Can't use Holt because of Rodeo, and of course you had the Home and Garden Show last week. Exactly what priority does athletics/football have in Holt?
Oops, my mistake. It's the Monster Truck Show this week followed by the Rodeo next week. But I will repeat myself. what priority does football/athletics have at Holt Arena?
Yeah the priorities are all messed up. It's quite a joke how we have to cancel and postpone practices because of weather when we have an indoor facility. But the team will be practicing Saturday morning at 10 and I beleive Sunday at 3 pm on the outdoor practice field.
Rent =$ what is so hard to understand

The team is playing 2 games for cash, The dome needs much needed repairs and the U has to get cash from some where. The city did not want to pay for it. People dont seem to want to come in mass to the games. So how else does this happen?
Sorry gang 1 of 3 things is going to happen

1/ ISU will try its best to have its athletics especially football stay afoalt till times get better - dont look at the win loss but remember other school will be in the same crunch
2/ Get rid of football and put money into basketball and other sports - whats the net cost of football without state subsidizes? ISU wont certainley be the first school that did this and yes they may need to change conferences.
3/ Third is a bad option get rid of sports all together - BYU Idaho is bigger now I believe than ISU

Havent been on this board in a while not much has changed - Football team no comment, Basketball looks ok (needs more concentration $), soccer not good , baseball looking up, volleyball in it.
The way I see ISU's major programs next year.

Football: Rising, they can't do worse than 2008 with Montana Western on the schedule
M's Basketball: Rising, at least for next year
W's Basketball: Steady, surprising year for first year coach
Softball: Rising, see W's bball
Volleyball: Rising, may have been a good hire
Soccer: Falling
I noticed a couple practices have been canceled due to weather related conditions and because the team could not get into Holt? I know that $ is important right now and the rent from those events we need. It also shows me that the city/school district/rodeo etc HEAVILY rely's on the Holt arena.

Is it fair that the Bengals can't practice in their own venue? NO

I will pose this question too. If the dome was taken then you practice outside, right. If the weather was bad why not still practice outside? Was it too cold? Was it too windy? Weather is a game by game day experience. Why not hold practices anyways? I hope we are tougher then that. Am i seeing something different then all of you? I just feel like our team should be practicing despite the circumstances here. Yea i know they had some make up practices but everyday postponed is a day behind everyone else. The fact of the matter is, make the best with whatever crappy circumstances you might have.
A couple of continuing thoughts.
Spring practice and I wouldn't want to risk injury outdoors in less than good conditions, which brings up question of why hasn't anything been done towards outdoor practice field?
Follow-up is I understand need for outside events and those $$$, but doesn't sound/look like those $$$ are going towards anything for athletics or athletic facilities. If that were the case, would football be playing 2 guarantee games next year?
Back to football practice field - and softball field. If they have the land in the form of a gift, but can't sell it, can't they use it as asset to borrow? That's how they got performing arts completed. Not all of the money for it was cash in before it was built. Why not the same approach with athletic facilities?
I agree with BengalRoar, it doesn't make any sense to me. Those of us on the rugby team practiced in absolutely icy conditions (usually hovering somewhere around 20 degrees with a 10 or so degree wind chill) with ice and hard snow on the field. We never canceled practice due to the weather.
Spring practices are getting canceled in Montana due to weather as well, so this isn't an ISU thing!

No need risking injury in spring ball. In the fall or during the season the team would go hard and play in rain, snow or sunshine.

I just don't understand the criticism here--the Bengals will get there spring work in as they see fit.
Are we limited to a certain amount of practices, or are they limited to a certain period of time. If they can have a certain number of practices does it matter?
Spring ball is to really work on fundamental things, and sometimes when you are already thin (remember, this isn't a full roster like in the fall), you would prefer to have good conditions with only 15 practices. They build in dead days like Sunday and Monday just so if the weather sucks one day, they can make a go at it another day.

Remember, Zamberlin made the team practice outside the final five weeks of the season last year rain or shine...it's not like they are getting soft.

They have 29 consecutive days to get in 15 practices (including scrimmages and spring game). So they have until the 28th go get all 15 in. Plenty of time. Keep in mind that our practice field is not it great condition, so practicing on it while it's wet will get it torn up pretty bad. They are trying to keep it in as best shape as possible.
My criticisms here are from the past and the outcomes from past records. If we repeat what we always do we get the same results. I posed a lagitimate question here and thanks for the feed back. Some i agree with and some i don't. We just don't settle, we must go beyond our bounds to succeed. We need to be a step above and ahead of the others to make a difference. I am not just going to sit back and watch and wonder. If we are going to talk the talk we must walk the walk as fans-coaches and players.

From what i have heard about this upcoming team is all about team. They are putting team first. I like that. I am looking forward to this year like every year. Lets push our limits more this year and lets see what happens. GO BENGALS!

(Can anyone please tell me where the spell check is or do we even have one? I really need it)

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