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"support the team and isu athletics or go away"

I guess I just don't know how to feel. I just decided to make this post when I saw this line under the homecoming thread and it really made me take a moment and think about things...

To begin with I don't think anyone on this board (aside from the usual trolls) wants the Bengals to fail. Second, if people are paying enough attention to get on this board and complain, well, at least they are watching ISU football.

It's really is frustrating. I myself donated over $5000 this year to athletics, not to mention all the time, effort and energy put into tail gates, fundraisers, and helping out where I can. Bottom line is that I think we can be a little more mature on both sides of the argument.

If someone has a different opinion than you about the coach, great. You can love the Bengals and dislike the coach. It's OK. I personally think Zam should stay. Nevertheless, I don't think people have less Bengal Pride or should "go away" if they disagree. In my opinion, if you went to the game, you are supporting the team more than most people in Pocatello.

It just seems to me that every fan that has something emotionally invested in the team probably came away feeling a little hurt after this game. I think the last thing they need is to be told how bad a fan they are on this board. It is not going to help. It does not hurt me if people get on here and vent.

If you disagree with someone's opinion, that's great. That is what this board is for. Go ahead, state the facts, state your opinion, but this moral high-road of telling everyone in CAPS that they should not complain is just as NEGATIVE as the people with the criticism. I just don't think its appropriate for fans to say things to other fans like "buck the hell up and quit being a bunch of vagina fans." How is that less negative? Personally, that sort of sexually connotative comment takes the wind out of my sails.

I have sat in the dome for 20+ years. I have seen good teams. I have seen great teams. I have also seen bad teams. I love the Bengals and will continue to support them in any way I can. I also welcome and encourage any fan with any opinion to share and participate.
This is a good post.

Venting is good--look at what it did for the Coors Beer Can.

I wish that this could be a place for folks to vent, but if you think about it, that is not such a good idea. The coaches and the players read this board as do potential recruits. If we as a message board community were more positive, they wouldn't have to concentrate on what we say and they could concentrate more on winning games.

I will use myself as an example. I have been pretty mean about the Academic Progress Rate and player retention. My negativity was picked up on by the Idaho State Journal and they chose to run a piece on it. The end result, Zamberlin had to take time out of his weekly preparation to correct my ignorance. So, my lack of self-control cost Idaho State preparation time.

Now don't get me wrong, I too was frustrated on a number of occasions tonight. But, when I searched for positives, I found them. Here is something that most fans did not realize about the game against the Eagles. If Eastern Washington did not have Matt Nichols and Taiwan Jones, they would have had almost ZERO offensive production tonight.

You see, if I chose to continue to think negative--I would have never realized the positives.
I agree. If the community were more positive it would support the Bengals more.

I just don't see how it's constructive for a board administrator to rail in the general direction of other fans with sexually negative name calling.

If this board is really read by media, recruits, etc... do you think it is going to help our case any by ripping apart anyone who expresses their dissatisfaction? If this board really is a forum that is respected by the media, recruits, etc... then disagree with the negativity. Continue to point out positive points like you have been doing. Just don't tear down other fans for their opinions why you are doing it.

I was really proud of Pocatello when we were down by 2 (or 3?) touchdowns and got a turnover. The crowd cheered so loud near my section. It was a great feeling to see that even though it was clear that we were not going to win, people supported the Bengals all the way. And really, there were ALOT of people who stayed till the end of the game. Good for you ISU fans! That to me shows more support than any good/bad postings from anonymous users online ever will!
My fellow posters:

You know, I am sorry for that inappropriate remark. It was not right for me to make it, my sincere apology--sometimes I just let my emotions get the best of me.

It wasn't meant to be as critical as you perceived it to be, but once again my bad for the negative perception. I was only attempting to drink the orange Kool-Aid and to be more positive as a fan. I kind of thought of it as a feisty post game speech to the fans--and I hope folks realize that it was not an insult to anyone that wants to complain. The V-word was only meant to arouse a positive change in attitude.


Troy Briggs (anon fan with a foul mouth)
hey mkmksthwrth, YOU DOUCHE-BAG, "..vigana fans" isn't SEXUALLY negative anymore than me calling you out for being a douche-bag is. Figure it out, it's called a euphemism..

hey cub don't go, i know i haven't been apart of this "community" for long, but truth be told i look forward to your comments and perspective. you, in my opinion, provide stability while keeping things interesting. it's not an easy thing you do cub but i hope you reconsider and continue to offer the services you have.

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