At this point I'd say screw any consolation tournaments and end the season.
I dont want to see Weber lose again this year after these last few weeks. Just end the season
Good season overall though, thank you Mahoney and K-Bull, and Lillard
WHAT!?! This is insanity!!
Yes, I'm upset that Weber lost last night, and it definitely was a "Cold Water" moment for Weber fans and me. But there is a great chance that we will get to see our team play again, and possibly win a post-season tournament. I'm all for it!! No it isn't the Dance...I'm sooo excited that 12 Big East teams will get into the tournament (total and utter Bull Crap!!), but at least it'll be something. Maybe, Weber could even get a home game out of the deal. Who knows. All I know is that I'm going to continue to support Weber State. Hell, in 2003-04 Weber had a hell of a team coming back, should have won the Sky but barely got to .500 in league play. I'm pretty happy that the Cats ended the season with 24 wins and were 15-3 in Conference games. What do you want Denny Huston back?? :rofl: