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Could it be a moment of silence in my honor?

But seriously, it looked like a good spring for ISU. Kyle Blum has the inside track at the QB position. Ben Laporta had an awesome spring. As I was telling some on this board in person--I saw him last spring and I thought he could have been a contributor last year. The offensive line is this--but they have 3 JC kids and some good HS prospects coming in for the fall.

I've been told that the defensive line has made some big improvements--and of course they have a ton of new players that will be in for fall ball. It is nice to see Gibson starting at OLB. It is interesting that nobody can take the spot away from Aria at strong side linebacker so far. Remember, he was a walk-on so Idaho State has gotten more than they ever imagined from that kid. When you figure Storms, Urias and Nash will be on to play MLB in the fall--the LB's may be pretty deep this year. From what I am being told the defensive backfield will be VERY good. I expect Visor and Wright will be the starters at corner with Holmsley and Amir Owens at the safeties. Pleasant is going to be a stud and Miller is a young corner that is going to get better.

On special teams--it looks like Urias is doing a good job at long-snapper and Huk is drilling everything that he kicks and booming kickoffs.

So, I think it was a great spring. Because of the schedule--I am not sure how many wins this team will get. But I think they will get at least four and with some luck maybe five. What I really want to be able to say at the end of 2009 is that this team has made BIG TIME improvement.
Cub....With all due respect, this board is dead because of you....fans are entitled to hear good and bad about ISU without the threat of you locking them off the board.
The ISU board is ALWAYS slow after the sports season ends. On the old board, between April and July, there were periods of days without posts (at least once there was a period of well over a week that nobody posted). It has nothing to do with Cub or anybody else. In fact, kudos to Cub for offering posts during this slow time (i.e. the "Getting to Know" features).

Just my two cents worth, but the good and bad will always be present on any board. What shouldn't be allowed is when somebody -- anonymously and without accountability -- posts non-public and unproven information which damages a reputation, personal or institutional.
Cub....With all due respect, this board is dead because of you....fans are entitled to hear good and bad about ISU without the threat of you locking them off the board.

Complete BS. First, the board is not dead. The post volume is low, as expected this time of year. Watch it grow as the season approaches.

From what I have seen, bengalcub does more for this board than anyone else. It is absurd to blame him of all people for low board traffic.
Orange, I am truly sorry that you feel that way.

I was asked to take over this board and it is something that I feel very honored to be a part of. I am doing my best to give this site a face-lift, I have renewed and paid for the domain name and I am trying to add features that fans will enjoy. This is my way of giving back to Idaho State and its fans for all the great things the University has brought to my life. I don't have big bucks and I live 250 miles away, but this is something I can do.

However, my loyalty will always be to Idaho State. As frustrated as I can get at times--it really comes back promoting the Bengals. We will all have dark days where we bitch and complain and I understand that. However, if someones soul purpose is to slander Idaho State, faculty, players or coaches--BIG BROTHER WILL ALWAYS be watching. Stuff that has happened in the past, simply will NOT BE TOLERATED.

The support that I get in private from fans of this board, lead me to believe that things are moving in the right direction. That is good enough for me.
Cub,the guy is just BITTER because you locked his thread. Pay no attention to the HATERS and just keep doing your thang.

I look forward to seeing the changes that you are talking about!!!
I feel that gobigorange is ridiculous in his claims about recruiting in state, but I know many people wont post because of cub
:lol: Letuknow, could you be more specific, who is not posting because of Cub? Anyone who has a relevant discussion is welcome. Those who just want to throw out random accusations without supportive evidence, may be censored. Posts like your where you make a statement as if it were fact, provide no supportive evidence, then hide behind your board name. I don't see a problem with locking these kind of posts. May make those who want to provide real information take the time to validate the material they post. If the Shopko comment had been supported with evidence, I don't think Cub or anyone else would have had a problem. I imagine most thought it referred back to the basketball players about fifteen years ago. As for the problems now; two are gone, the third will be gone if he screws up again. The coach was suspended and is embarrassed, what else, hanging at dawn. Hell, people make mistakes, if he does not learn from this, then you fire him. First, you let the process determine the need for firing him, not a bunch of non-accountable individuals on the web.
Don't put a whole lot of stock into the haters on this board. I have been reviewing IP address this weekend and have noticed that a number of posters on this board are posting under multiple accounts.

I just noticed today that someone I was debating with during basketball season was posting under 4 different use names all from the same IP address.

I have also noticed that a number of posters that put up negative posts about ISU coaches, players and staff are posting from multiple user accounts.

Most of the time when you see things that seem really far out and you are wondering where the hell all the negativity came from it is in FACT coming from a handful of folks. Typically they are either the same person, a disgruntled current or former player or coach--or friends of certain players. It's really that simple and it is really pretty simple to track.
SLCBengal said:
The ISU board is ALWAYS slow after the sports season ends. On the old board, between April and July, there were periods of days without posts (at least once there was a period of well over a week that nobody posted). It has nothing to do with Cub or anybody else. In fact, kudos to Cub for offering posts during this slow time (i.e. the "Getting to Know" features).

Just my two cents worth, but the good and bad will always be present on any board. What shouldn't be allowed is when somebody -- anonymously and without accountability -- posts non-public and unproven information which damages a reputation, personal or institutional.

Okay, days. But WEEKS?!! I was one of the first to say the lull was seasonal, but heck I am starting to worry.
He's worried about the board becoming like Buckeyecommentary.com after Keith left (now we're lucky to get a post every 2 weeks, whearas Keith would update once or twice a week)

JMO, lol
bengalcub said:
What you worried about?

Worried about lack of spirit! ISU just picked up some great talent in the 09 recruiting class and has some solid returning players. It's all about attitude and spirit to get this program on the winning track!
This is the time of year where all boards go quiet. I absolutely hate mid March to the end of July as ISU info is hard to come buy.

However, I thing some concerns with spirit are warranted. The pulse I am getting from folks in the community is not very interested in ISU football. I think five straight losing seasons has really taken a toll on the community. They are really pretty easy to please, winning football (even 5 wins a season) really gets Pocatello excited. Some people call it low expectations, but the truth is .500 or better football gets the community involved. At least that is my experience when following the Bengals.

We can talk about the need for money until we are blue in the face. I know, you know and everyone knows that the program needs dollars to survive. However, the program also needs the funds that come from the community and the boosters and those wallets open with wins.

Trust me, by late summer things will start picking up. Three to four weeks into the season we will be in full form...second guessing coaching strategy, calling for coaching changes and debating about who the correct QB to lead the team is.

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