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This is going to be quick


Active member
Sorry for some reason my labtop didn't make it past security at PDX. guess I am a terrorist. Whatever. I missed both practices today but from what I hear KU put on a dunk show something like what Jeff used to do when they they owned all of Oregon in Bball before the obvious happened. One thing I did pay attention was on my way to PDX in the cab, I counted the houses and the number of bball hoops on one street. There 39 houses and 26 had hoops outside. I live in a decent hood but that really surpirised me. I dont have much to say but the guy behind me is crying about how much he needs to check his myspace. Other than that Omaha is great gotta a couple of tips from OSU grads so I have a great night. Peace and Good LUCK VIKS

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