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Times News Editorial: Send ISU to D2


Active member

Yesterday's EDITORIAL about sending ISU to D2.

If I was a Bengal fan, especially one in the Magic Valley, I would let them know how you feel about this jab.
Bio, i feel your pain and the harsh slap in the face from the magicvalley paper. But is it not a wake up call? I don't think that article is to far off. We have been living in this lala land for years and we have just let it happen and we KEEP making EXCUSES and we keep saying next year-next year-next year-next year like a bunch of brain washed zombies. I have been saying next year for i don't know how many years. I have cried wolf one too many times in my life about ISU football. People are tired with the football program just like they are tired with our economy and the state of our country. People are standing up and being vocal instead of just taking it. I love your passion bio!
It's totally off and I'm on it actually....apparently all of our other sports don't matter...the soccer titles, the track titles....the women's basketball titles....yeah, the whole department sucks. That thing pissed me off...done venting for now though LOL.

Can i just say something? This might sound weird but i am so glad that this controversey is rearing its ugly head because it shows that people care. It shows that we care. The quicker we get past ALL of this stuff the sooner we can enjoy the good life. We are waking up the sleeping Tiger! And it is ready to wake up. All of these issues and negative comments(from me too),etc should start to raise some eyebrows and turn some heads from fans-players-coaches and Adm. We EXPECT the best and we deserve the BEST! No more excuses! Go get em Frankie!
I just cancelled my subscription! You cannot be a Bengal fan and subscribe to those jokers. Doesn't liptack write for them? I say we boycott that guy too! I demand a public appology!

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