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To the Bengal Faithful


Active member
OK, so we're not doing so well at all. We're 6-32 in the past 4 years, we're the laughing stock of the Big Sky and Southeast Idaho has got to have the biggest, shitkicking bunch of buffalo in the entire nation. So what? Every team in the nation has had its down periods of time lasting from a few seasons to a decade or two. Ask the Gators, who were completely irrelevant until after 1979 (and Miami was irrelevant until after 1983). Ask Oklahoma and USC, who were a joke in the 1990's. Ohio State was just ok and not much on the national scene in the 1980's. Michigan was stale this decade until this season. Even Notre Dame has had some terrible times, this decade and during the 1960's.

The point is, is that we can't let a bad several years ruin our party. Academics is only half the equation in a college experience. If college is just going through the motions and getting a degree, then YOU tell me, what was the point in graduating High School? What's the point of going to college if all you plan on doing is going to a few parties, having a few drunken nights and doing your schoolwork, only to move on to the rest of your life? Sounds like a fruitless endeavor to me.

You know something? When I'm old and decrepit, I want my memories to be of those playing rugby and cheering at ISU games. I want to savor the image of our crowd (albeit small) going nuts when we get a touchdown. When that little crowd gets going, it's a helluva electric atmosphere to be in. Those are my treasured memories of ISU, not pulling all-nighters for midterms and finals (I've crashed overnight on campus before doing that).


I do NOT regret getting painted up to see a 6-32 football team. I don't regret cheering for these boys at all. And I sound nuts, but I wouldn't trade 6-32 for anything except a few wins and a crazy ass student section. I love ISU football and I love ISU sports and unlike Chris and Partner on the Journal Blogs, unlike the dumbass little shit of an editor at the Times, unlike people like djabengal and 44, I won't stop pulling for them.

Sorry for the brutal language but you know, it's how I feel at the moment and I'm no shy guy when it comes to things like this.

-Ross Cunningham,
ISU Superfan (and damn proud of it)
These things dont last forever, It took Weber 40 something years just to be co-champs again.

Kudos to you Superfan, you are the definition of a true fan, keep up the good work up there.

And to all the other Bengal fans, keep your chins up, like I said, nothing lasts forever.
would you be pulling for them if you weren't wearing face paint, standing at the center of attention?

who are you pulling for anyway, the "individuals" or the establishment? because some of these "individuals" are ruining the establishment (what it means to be a Bengal) which we've loved and supported for decades. are not those individuals to be blamed for their transgressions? s-fan, many of us appreciate your enthusiasm but don't be quick to chastise us for being disgusted with the way this establishment has been handled by the "individuals" we trust to take care of it. if you are hearing grumblings of descent understand it's not because we hate being Bengals, it's because of how these "individuals" have changed what it feels like to be a Bengal.
Atta boy, isusuperfan! Believe me, my Bobcats have gone through patches where you just feel like jumping off something really tall. But you just buck up and keep on coming because that's what it means to be a fan. Not a "fair-weather" fan, but a true fan. Sure, you shouldn't just accept everything the program or administration tries to shove down your throat. But you have a voice and should let it be heard. But at the same time, you don't give up on your alma mater because you going through a rough stretch.

Listen, MSU and ISU were among the inaugural members of the Big Sky conference and I would like to see those teams remain there. I know there's some talk on this board about getting rid of ISU football, and that just sucks. It sucks to see you guys struggle, because you do have history. You are one of the few teams in 1-AA that own a national championship. Not many programs can say that. Keep those dobbers up, Bengals, better times will come.
Just to throw something here, but oldskoolcat just stated "I know there's some talk on this board about getting rid of ISU football, and that just sucks."

Just a point of order, but that talk is talk from fans. There is not a single person in the administration around here, other than ONE professor, who is even thinking along those lines. Just putting that out there...football is here to stay boys and girls...and recruits as well...we aren't going anywhere.

"Would you be pulling for them if you weren't wearing face paint, standing at the center of attention?"

Tigersmilk, the answer is so damn obvious you should never have considered asking. Face paint or not, I'm supporting these boys to the end. I just like to really be enthusiastic and out there as far as fan support. If Buckeyes, Hurricanes, Broncos, Grizzlies and Nittany Lions, etc. can do it, dammit so can I.

Center of attention? I could really care less. You realize if I wanted to be the center of attention I wouldn't have joined ISU Rugby, right?

Come on Tigersmilk, it's sports for Christ's sake. GET face painted, GET chest painted, crack a few beers, down some bratwursts and yell loud all game, every game.

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