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UND v ISU.... one big difference


Active member
One big difference.... the communities.

Grand Forks foots the bill for their football stadium. From the Alerus Center website:

With the FargoDome's success to the south and the Civic Auditorium getting more antiquated every day, City leaders again bring up the idea of a new events center/convention facility. A Civic Center Process Committee is formed to generate public discussion and gather input. Led by City Council member Doug Carpenter and Mayor Michael Polovitz, the committee holds 14 public hearings, sets up 12 informational displays, and does a telephone survey to gauge public sentiment. Upon the committee's recommendation, a special election is set to see if the public will raise the sales tax to support a multi-purpose events center that has an arena large enough to hold football games as well as a convention facility. On November 28, the special election is held and 60% of voters approve raising the sales tax to build the new facility.


So, 60% of the voters approved building a facility for UND. By comparison, only 28% of Pocatellans voted for the Holt bond. IMO, community support is THE problem at ISU. Make no mistake, ISU athletics has many problems.... the AD has done some pretty wacky things through the years, but I think the lack of community support is major.
I realize that my last post may have sounded a little negative, in light of that, here are a few things I think ISU should implement in order to improve the program. No bitching... just a few ideas. None of these suggestions would cost the program a lot of money = not a plan to build new facilities, not a dream scenario, a plan that can actually be implemented.

First, Implement a plan to achieve a playoff berth in 5 years. Not making it to the playoffs in over 25 years is a travesty that needs to be rectified if any momentum is to be established. I think 5 years is a reasonable goal because it will take several years to get the athletes and the proper schedule set up to make a push. One need only look to Montana State to see what the playoffs can do for a program.

Year one: 2 lower division teams, one upper division team ISU SHOULD LOSE TO, AND EVERYONE KNOWS IT. 2 guaranteed wins vs. Montana Western and Montana Tech plus 2 wins in conference = IMPROVEMENT. Record: 4-7, they may not even be better, but the record is better.

Year two: parlay improved record into better recruiting. Still play Montana Western and Montana Tech, plus one team ISU should lose to, that pays well.... avoid the in state games, they are depressing. 2 wins vs. lower division teams and 3-4 wins in conference = improvement 5-6 to 6-5.

Year three: Parlay record into improved recruiting.... better support and increased interest. Schedule: one lower division team, start playing one FCS non-conference team (SUU AT HOME) in preperation for year 5, also one FBS ISU should lose to that pays the bills. Wins vs. lower division team, SUU has been down, and 4 conference games. Record: 6-5, ISU strings together a couple of winning seasons = attitude adjustment.

Year four: Parlay record into improved recruiting, focus on JC talent. Another lower division at home, SUU on the road, and UC Davis/Cal Poly on the road both with a return in year 5. Record: 6-5, wins at SUU, Lower Division, and 4 conference wins. Momentum increases all to year 5.

Year five (2013, the year of 12 games), time to bring it home. To get playoff consideration ISU needs 7-8 wins; it should be easier to get to the playoffs with a 12 game schedule and the expansion of the playoff field. Schedule: two FCS return home games (SUU and UC Davis), start a home and home with a marginal FCS on the road. Add a lower division team to pad the record. ISU needs only to sneak one or two road wins along with running the table at home to get to the playoffs.

Other ideas that won't cost money: 1) get athletes excited to be playing for Idaho State: play one of the early season lower division teams at the Spud Bowl (better name), these games would just about fill this venue and give em' something to talk about, 2) Put some lipstick on this pig.... paint and dress up the locker rooms with cheap solutions., 3) Name EVERY game, follow UND's lead, start a spud bowl, bring back the Real Dairy Bowl.... make every game an event.

THose are pretty good ideas, man... I wouldn't go so far as to say 2 NAIA games, but definitely only ONE money game a year, and restart the home-and-homes with SUU, and begin a series with UC-Davis!
Good ideas, yes.
winning/loosing aside, if i am a recruit why would I come to ISU for a shitty lockerroom, shitty practice field, shitty training room, shitty coaches offices, below average weight room, ugly town with bad weather most the time, shitty community support, astroturf..... HUMMM...UM,MSU,WEBER,EWU..... are starting to sound much more appealing.
Anyone who thinks winning and losing is the sole responsibility and reflection upon coaching in college football is crazy and wrong. Kids in today's college football recruiting "arms race" care about facilities, winning traditions, and then academics. IN THAT ORDER. ISU can't compete in the first two categories.
Not sure about comparing the athletic facilities, but Weber State is one not so pretty campus (in my opinion), with an ugly unfilled football stadium in a dreary railroad town - Ogden. Weather - Bozeman may be pretty but it's more of "pretty darn freezing cold." I'll give it to you on the ISU practice field - we play on turf at home, yet always practice on grass - curious. Pretty nondescript and high school quality practice venue for sure.
Community support - definitely lacking for ISU in most of eastern Idaho. Not that great in Pocatello and it seems to drop off the scale as soon as you're north of Fort Hall and south of Inkom. Try buying anything with ISU on it outside of the Poky area. You can, but you sure need to look pretty hard. Marketing or a lack of good marketing is a big part of it but winning will market itself. I like the idea of the 5-year plan. Good luck! We'll still root for the Bengals and hope it's contagious.

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