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Very good news from Frank's Blog


Active member
Hey I know that there are rumors that I am not coming up or anything but that is completely not true!! I will be heading up on August 2nd which is this Sunday. I just had to finish my summer school to transfer and get everything in line for this fall!! Along with my mother just getting breast cancer! Her surgery was this week so I was not able to leave until she was out of surgery and now she is doing great!!
A few little stats...I have been working quite hard in the weight room this summer!! I put up 315lbs 15x on bench press on monday....and hang cleaned 315lbs last week!! Im not coming sloppy!!

See You Soon!!

Chad O'Donnell"

Welcome aboard, Chad, glad to have you in Pocatello. And we'll be praying for your mom.
PS--Frank also mentioned a new name in his blog that I hadn't heard before -- Minh Williams, a 6-1, 319-pound OL/DL from Hebron Texas.
Switched him to his official weigh in weight....340. Oh, he's not fat, he's just a big big dude who is pretty nimble. Most folks remember Villi? Minh (pronounced MING) is WAY more athletic .... should become a fan favorite...oh yeah...true freshman, so we will all wait on him probably.

Great to new about Chad. Been hearing that personal issues may have kept him from getting in. I certainly want to wish him the best of luck and his mother is in our thoughts.

That video board is so cool. Never thought I would see something like that at ISU in a million years. I cannot believe the resolution on the board. It will be nice to light that thing up for recruits.

Also, it is always good news to see ISU get kids from Texas. That state has to be loaded with kids that have the talent to play, but get overlooked by other large programs.
BTW, I just read the blog in depth.

I am not sure that I need the slam on this whole issue with Chad. I speak with folks and this is what some people have been hearing. It was not an indictment of Chad at all. I had not been told that it had anything to do with his mother, but had heard concern about a possible family health issue. However, I would never post anything about a family member as it pertains to health.

Anyhow, Chad, if MY message board rumor hurt you at all--I am really, really sorry.

Now let me address what I deem to be a personal attack from the ISU administration.

This is a fan board and this is a place that fans post things. Rumors--false or true are going to surface here. Opinions, false or true are going to get posted here. Play calling will also get second guessed, right or wrong. Coaches will be evaluated, once again right of wrong.

I see nothing wrong posting what goes on in the weight room, either. Fans want to read this kind of stuff! Take in to consideration that players, family members and friends of players get on here all the time and talk about things.

Also, I want to mention that I have always been thoughtful of how my post reflect on Idaho State. If there is ever a problem with something that is posted--Idaho State knows how to get in contact with me directly and I would have pulled a message if THEY thought it was damaging at all.

Chad O'Donnell will be in camp next week. This has been confirmed--that is the only thing that needed to be said on this message board. Would that be official enough, a fact or a rumor?
It wasn't damaging...he felt that he needed for that to be said, so I did it for him....I don't think anything I said on the blog was a slam in the least bit actually. I did reiterate on my own blog for the athletic department that folks should remember that when you post things it is very public, and that should always be remembered...that's all.

I don't even know who started the rumor honestly, and FYI regarding those things, no Lavai or Durr or Jolley on my roster I have in front of me, but Idaho still leads California 30-28.

Hate to lose Lavai, he's a kid that looks like he has a great long-term upside at an offensive tackle. (Man we have a hard time holding on to OL for five years). Hopefully, he's only temporarily indisposed and comes in later.
There are kids signed every year with the hopes that they can do what it takes to get eligible. Some do and so don't, thats just he way it is.

In my opinion the athletic department needs to spend less time reading message boards, or get some thicker skin. I doubt any parent of player takes what is said on our message board that seriously. For the most part what is said are random thoughts concerning the team, recruits, players, and coaches. After re-reading my post on the weight room, I believe the players dad misunderstood what I was saying believing I was suggesting his kid was not working hard. This was my fault, as I said most my posts tend be just a collection of things that come to mind, not alway easy to read for others. What I meant was; a player should work hard to the biggest, strongest they can be, without worrying about outgrowing a position. What is said here will be positive sometimes, sometimes negative, but for the most part it is not meant to be hurtful. We all know that a negative post will draw fire from someone, we accept that and in many cases enjoy it. Some of the best and longest running posts were these kinds. What is said here is someones opinion, sometimes based in fact, most often just unsupported opinion. But it is our right to say what we want here without the Athletic department getting thier panties in an uproar. Frankly, if you are going to get your feelings hurt everytime someone posts a negative post about a player or a coach, you may want to find something else to do other than read this messege board. Trust me if you looking to get insulted, come here and eventually it will happen.
Points well taken...I was just reminding folks it's a very public forum, that's all....Everyone is entitled to an opinion for sure, myself included. Personally, I like the immediate feedback of this forum...it's a pretty good gauge of things.


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