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Video feed for San Jose State


Active member
Found out you can buy the feed for $4.95, for those not able to attend this Friday. Have to register, etc. but instructions say you just pay per view (unlike other sites where they charge u unless you cancel).

http://www.sjsuspartans.com/ViewArticle.dbml?DB_LANG=C&DB_OEM_ID=5600&ATCLID=1300542" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
Like SUU's site?? What a racket...good thing they are joining the Sky. At least I wont have to buy the Summit Leagues BS anymore!!
Oh yeah...nice find!! Thanks for posting...I know what I'm doing on Friday!! I had a date...I'm thinking I'm going to be sick now. lol
Now talhad, we both know that is the mindset that Jerry Graybeal had... He ended up being a 37 yr old dude that married a 23 yr old... Not that there's anything wrong with that.
purplefogdog said:
Now talhad, we both know that is the mindset that Jerry Graybeal had... He ended up being a 37 yr old dude that married a 23 yr old... Not that there's anything wrong with that.

What a great example to follow too. Go Coach!!

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