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Voice of PSU sports

I listened in with bigskytv.org yesterday and didn't mind Tom Hewitt's play by play. Yes, he was a homer. Home radio announcers aren't paid to be objective. National announcers....well, that's a different story. The same thing has been said about NAU's announcer, Mitch Strohman, and I think it's great that he has passion and obviously enjoys what he's doing. I think the same thing can be said about Hewitt.

I agree...I listened to the game yesterday and actually liked the announcers. They are very emotional and obviously care about their team. No harm in them pulling for their team. I also like Mitch, he's great specially the "bang", we need more of this type of announcing, makes the game more enjoyable. ;)
Come Friday when your listenng to the game via bigskytv, toone into weber state's play by play guy Carl Arky. Best around IMO. After the game tell me what you think of him.
Can we all agree that ISU has the worst announcer?

No, Montana is by far the worst that I have heard. The ISU guys are pretty bad, and it was hilarious hearing them talk during the breaks for the Weber-ISU game the other day on bigsky.tv when they thought they we're off the air. However, at least they can recognize a good play by the other team when they see it. The Montana announcers are the most back-woods, jingoistic, staunch-republic, red-neck homers I have ever heard, I have been so infuriated listening to them during PSU games that I could barely watch.
Grant H said:
Can we all agree that ISU has the worst announcer?

No, Montana is far the worst that I have heard. The ISU guys are pretty bad, and it was hilarious hearing them talk during the breaks for the Weber-ISU game the other day on bigsky.tv when they thought they we're off the air. However, at least they can recognize a good play by the other team when they see it. The Montana announcers are the most back-woods, jingoistic, staunch-republic, red-neck homers I have ever heard, I have been so infuriated listening to them during PSU games that I could barely watch.

montana's are the only ones that have a local accent. just an observation.
"Despite what some morons think," Tom Hewitt is an amateur sportscaster at best. He loves to announce games and I give him credit for thoughtfulness and detail. But he is not professional. He could never work for a professional sports team the way he broadcasts games. Too spacy, too ethereal. Without universal appeal and not sufficiently grounded.

He is far, far better at announcing basketball games than he is football games.

Football requires a stimulating but relaxed strong man's voice and he simply does not have it. He gets a bit spastic and it is like he has never played the game and so is not able to relate well to the manly strength required for the action being produced on the field. His weak delivery really upsets me and, I'm sure, other PSU fans when he gets excited because the opposing team executed well. At that point, I just have to turn the radio off, I get so disgusted with his play-calling and insulting disregard of his audience.

I do give him credit for being attentive to the game's details, but that's not the primary role of a quality university football sportscaster. It is rather to give the alums a great feeling, a reward of stimulating relaxation for the week's end so as to get them to favor and support the university, the athletics programs, football in particular; to build desire to be part of it all to the point of >gasp!< donating funds.

Instead, his style makes me think about seeking shelter, dissociating further from PSU. Because the university, by its effective endorsing of Tom Hewitt's amateur style of sportscasting, is perceived (consciously or unconsciously) by the listening audience as being unbenefittingly indifferent toward its own alumni. Really, if we're honest, the guy's a weenie when it comes to football broadcasts and that is embarrassing to me as a Portland State alum. We can do much better than Tom Hewitt for football.

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