After those two wins, we can maybe say something about the team though it's still early days yet to see much set patterns. 1) One thing obvious - redshirt Garyn Schlatter's already well-established as starting setter. The neat thing is, Kristinikova also starts as setter - we've got two setters now! And it looks like Schlatter's good for more than setting - a couple kills, digs and even blocks. The redshirting didn't hurt her - in fact, she's certainly playing better than she would have last year. 2) Last year we had one certain national calibre player in Phillips. This year we may have two or at least, one and a half. Kaeli Patton, our freshman recruit from Hawai'i, seems to be everything she was billed as in terms of jumping kills. She's 2 inches shorter than Phillips, but her jumping makes up for it. She only played a little in one set against Mercer, but the 3 kills in the little time she had is promising. No one can replace Phillips, but she might ultimately give it a good try.
Hamilton, Rosendale, Zielke and Kristinikova are the other sure starters. It ill be interesting to see how, where and whn Seeman fits the others into the mix. They're toying with the 6-2 formation and that will take time to install. But it looks very good at this point.