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Wake up and smell REALITY

Bengal Roar

Active member
First off I would like to thank the players that really give it there all. You play with heart and it shows.

Div. II Talent-----With no disrespect to the players and their talents I really do believe that we have average to upper caliber Division 2 players on the team. I thought we had some faster talent this year but against NAU it didn't show. NAU was full of faster, bigger and stronger players.

QB Situation---- I don't think either of the two are BSC QB's and again DivII at best. This in and out stuff every other series with the QB's gets old. Grayson Galloway could have been the answer? We will never know. ISU better get a drop down QB or Juco for the future.

Defense-----I thought I saw signs of improvement the last couple games but the D did get 32 scored on them today.

Offense------ Terrible!

Coaching----- Terrible! You are the ones that recruit. You are the ones that prepare and get these players ready for game day. I see a lack of discipline and preperation.

There are no excuses this year in my book and today I saw a team digressing instead of progressing. I am not pleased, I am not hopeful and I am not excited about ISU football anymore.

Administation/President/Community-----You has better take a good look at this Football program and if you want to succeed you NEED to throw some serious $$$$ their way.

I am going to be selfish right now. I have given time, energy and money to the FB program over the years and have gotten JACK SQUAT in return. I deserve better. I expect better in return. I feel that everyone that paid today is owed a refund.

I will not enable nor justify the problems anymore. My REAL predictions for the rest of the season is "we will not win another game".

WE DESERVE BETTER! Do you smell reality yet? You guys and gals take care.
At this point, I'm not sure if we will win another game this year. Our best chances are this weekend against PSU and at home against Sac State, but those two games aren't even a sure thing. Sac has been improving over the last few years and almost beat Montana this past weekend.

I think that we've got some decent coaches, but we just don't have the overall talent to compete with most Big Sky teams. It was really disheartening for me to see us play that poorly against NAU, because I thought we'd have a better showing than that. Maybe our lack of talent has to do with our recruiting budget, or maybe it has to do with our coaches inability to recruit better players -- or maybe it's a little of both.

And ISU isn't a place where it's impossible to recruit better players, because we have had coaching staffs in the past who were able to bring in some great players, which allowed us to be competitive in this league. Way back in the early and mid-70's, Bob Griffin always had competitive teams as did Dave Kragthorpe in the 80's. And more recently, Brian McNeely and Larry Lewis were able to recruit quality players which allowed us to be competitive. Right now, we've got some decent players on the team, but I think overall we're down there with the Bud Hake and Garth Hall years. And it's just going to be a lot tougher to win games when you can't match up with other teams, and at this point we probably won't be better until we can get a different coaching staff who can recruit the kinds of players we need -- along with having a better recruiting budget. Zamberlin is the kind of guy that I really hoped that he and his staff would have a lot of success here, but thus far none of us has seen anything.

Our offensive line really needs to play a lot better, but then again there's been some injuries there as Brad Shedd has missed a few games, and Elijah Rule blew out his knee last week and is out for the season. And Mitch Rudder's dad told me that Mitch has played three different positions on the line this year because of the injuries we've had there.

But in the mean time I'll still financially support the Bengals and make it to a few games every now and then, and still patiently wait for the time when we can field some quality FB teams -- which is something that the university and town of Pocatello really needs and deserves!
I smell it Roar...

I don't know how Zamberlin can expect either one of the QB's to step up and lead the team? This is the third offensive coordinator in consecutive seasons. Next--because of APR deficiencies--Idaho State has lost a full day of practice and preparation each week for every week during the season.

I have a feeling that the Zamberlin era will end next season, not this season. He has a two year contract extension if I am not mistaken. Who is going to buyout his contract?

He will leave the program in dire and I do mean dire straights. Five straight losing seasons, most likely more reduced scholarships and penalties and a bare cupboard because he will have spent the last two seasons overloading on JC talent in an attempt to save his job and win games.

How many kids does Zamberlin have that he signed on letter of intent day that are in the 3rd and 4th year in the program? By my count seven total. You cannot build a program without a solid foundation. This program does not have a foundation to speak of.

Also, look at the number of kids that are forced to burn redshirts due to lack of depth in the program. You do not burn a RS year to have a kid be a nickleback or to play special teams.
I've been waiting to see what ISU would look like against like competition. Holding out hope that Z could somehow break with his track record. I couldn't agree more with ROAR. Its hard hearing the same thing over and over from the head man too. Listening to the coaches show is difficult. It sounds like it is a record being played. Well the offense isn't going well, our guys are playing hard, we hold the other team down with the exception of one or two plays, blah blah blah. It is the same batch of excuses being made and delivered to us by zambo. 4 Years of the same bull. The media guide at the games is the same thing... on z's page it just lists the excuses of previous years. Well we had to play difficult teams, we had a couple good defensive stands, and despite not showing any resemblance of actual improvement- the defense is way improved even though the stats don't show it. The least that Z could do is think up a new batch of excuses and try and feed us a new flavor. But he is about as imaginative as the offense. Trying to do the same thing for the last 3 years this year, even though we don't have the horses to run it right. This staff is bad. They may be good people, but this is business. Earley and clark seem to be legit, but the others are terrible. On the coaches show he talked about how the defense played good enough to win. Yet they gave up 30 points. He talked about how they really held NAU in check at times. What I saw was NAU not executing. Wide open receivers dropping the ball. An over thrown ball here and there. The score should have been over 50. NAU would gash the defense running it. Sure ISU stopped them here and there for minimal gains, then they would rip off a 10-15 yard scamper. How many times did ISU have procedure problems... late subs, guys shuffling when the ball is snapped. ISU looked hectic and disorganized. The coaches looked outmanned. It looked like we were always reacting to what just happened, trying to call the next defense or offensive play against what just happened instead of being able to call it for the upcoming play. Z I really hoped for better, but it is just more of the same. I would bet that the players who have to deal with this on a daily basis are sick of it too. Yet they don't have anyone to stand up for them. Sick of the phony. Sick of his excuses. Sick of his moral victories. Sick of not being able to trust their coach!!!

Z- You wonder why so many players have left the program? Look in the mirror! It's because of you. Maybe not something you said, but how you treat them, this program, and this community. You are fake! Your staff is a bunch of fakes! The players know it, we know it. Why don't you GET ON BOARD! Wash the dust out of your eyes and see what you have done. Players who come here due to the lies you tell them during recruiting. They get here and see you and your staff for who you truly are, and they leave. You have brought ncaa sanctions, scholarship penalties, retention, academic, and many other problems here to ISU. Man up and accept responsibility. Quit blaming the competition you face, your lack of talent (you can't recruit them face it), the rebuilding project, etc. Look at what you have built!!! The team you have, the problems you face, its all on you. Your players hate you. Maybe not your little favorites, and everyone knows who they are, but 95% of the team all see through your facade. Guys are just biding their time till you leave and they can get someone who actually knows what they are doing. I know you read this too. So have fun, grand master fake.
Hey "dude" (or lack there of),
I suggest you quit pointing the finger and rubbing your nose in what you clearly know very little about. (Quite frankly your shit stinks much worse). I can't speak for the rest of the forum, but I can speak for myself and I must say your last post was not only out of line, it was completely disrespectful. I am a die hard Bengal fan. Since you don't seem to be too competent let me define what that means. It means I stand by my team through good times and bad. I don't abandon them for losing a few games. Let me remind you, it takes time to build a team. I'm a "chick" and even I know that. I'd thoroughly enjoy watching you try to put in even HALF of the effort the coaching staff and players put in. But then again, someone as empty headed as you wouldn't be aware of the hours of work they put in. And let me ask you "dude", how would you know how Coach Z treats his players? Are you yourself a "player"? No, you're not, you're a sorry excuse for a fan and we don't need anymore of those. And please, explain how Z treats the "community"? Because as far as I can tell, he is a stand up guy. The players don't despise Z, they despise losing! Something you probably know plenty about (*cough cough* loser). And again, what do you know about recruiting? What lies is Z selling these recruits? If I am not mistaken, Z holds recruiting trips where the prospective players have the opportunity to visit the campus, meet the staff, get a tour of the area, etc... How is that misleading them in any way? They get to see for themselves what they are in store for. Do you think he is lying about the losing streak? Sorry, but that is difficult to hide. (Anyone with a brain that was interested in going to a college has probably typed the name of the school into a pretty popular search engine known as "google") It is clear you know absolutely nothing about this program and as a result you try to argue with fallacies and instead make yourself look like an angry, bitter, dumb ass.
As far as Coach Z's lack of talent, I have researched it myself and he had quite the winning record before ISU, so your argument of "lack of talent" is unsound. Next, players leave all the time, no matter who is coaching. Look back at years past, even Larry Lewis' guys, SEVERAL if not MORE of them quit. I am going to go ahead and take a chance at damaging my credibility here and I am going to quote the biggest douche bag I've ever seen on this forum (yes you) and say "GET ON BOARD"... or "GET THE HELL OFF". We don't need "fans" like you. You're just another "dude" that likes to point the finger when things don't go your way. Hate to break it to you "dude", but someone's gotta lose. So if you would please kindly pack your bags, go hang out on I-15, stick out the finger (the one you like to point at everyone), shove it up or ass or get hit by a bus. Thank you! Sincerely yours,
Bengal Tigress
On behalf of ISU women Athletes, Thanks for setting our gender back 30 years Bengaltigress. There is no way Bengaltigress you are female, for one we don't call ourselves "Chicks" and your use of colorful words well lets just say, not in our locker rooms here at ISU. (maybe the Boy's)
Bengaltigress.. You 1 hit wonder, you're awesome! I would get all bent out of shape and tell you where to go, but I know it is you, and all the other clowns associated with the Zam regime that will soon be hitchhiking out of town.. See, probably 90% of people around and that genuinely care about the program, want a total overhaul.. Is the program better than when Lewis left? Absolutely not! The discipline, or lack thereof surrounding the football program, is laughable.. I don't see how anyone in their right mind could come on and defend the coaching staff, besides, the obvious, someone that is family, or employed and wanting the job security.. After witnessing Saturday's game, I can't do it anymore.. Sure, I'll go, but only because I like certain players.. By the way, the players I know all think that most of the coaches are a total joke.! And these are almost all Z recruits! We are not even close to being competitive, so wake up and get your bags packed, and hope that Z and his clan do the right thing and step down at season's end.. btw, don't bother me with your "not a true fan" drivel.. I've been around for way longer and cared more about ISU than you'll ever hope to.. Bhumble and most of the critics are spot on, however, I genuinely think Tingey is doing good things, and has made some real strides in other areas.. BUT, I also realize that he will be largely judged on the performance of football and men's hoops.. I want to hear bengalcub, sniper, and blackfootbengal's thoughts..
tuffgong said:
..... I genuinely think Tingey is doing good things, and has made some real strides in other areas.. BUT, I also realize that he will be largely judged on the performance of football and men's hoops.

Dead nuts on the football hoops comment.

I didn't think anyone could drive me away from ISU football after 33 years of watching them. Z and Tingey did it. When we get a change in both I'll return. I'm mad as he!! at where this program is, and has been since Lewis left. I wanted Z to get the extension and was pretty vocal about it on this board but things have not changed and they won't until the program gets some cash and a fresh start.
I'm a "chick" and even I know that,
I'm sorry but I don't think anyone from female side of ISU sports wrote that. One Saturday morning while working AT KISU I made the statement " Come and watch the Bengal ladies play basketball. that Monday Jerry called me in and said someone had called in and complained. It is Bengal Women... so I don't see any female athlete calling themselves "Chick"
What happen to all the promises that were made at the beginning of the season?

Hope the football team can win at least one more, please!
bengalcub said:
I smell it Roar...

I don't know how Zamberlin can expect either one of the QB's to step up and lead the team? This is the third offensive coordinator in consecutive seasons. Next--because of APR deficiencies--Idaho State has lost a full day of practice and preparation each week for every week during the season.

I have a feeling that the Zamberlin era will end next season, not this season. He has a two year contract extension if I am not mistaken. Who is going to buyout his contract?

He will leave the program in dire and I do mean dire straights. Five straight losing seasons, most likely more reduced scholarships and penalties and a bare cupboard because he will have spent the last two seasons overloading on JC talent in an attempt to save his job and win games.

How many kids does Zamberlin have that he signed on letter of intent day that are in the 3rd and 4th year in the program? By my count seven total. You cannot build a program without a solid foundation. This program does not have a foundation to speak of.

Also, look at the number of kids that are forced to burn redshirts due to lack of depth in the program. You do not burn a RS year to have a kid be a nickleback or to play special teams.

Considering the passion behind the previous posts in this thread, at least people still give a damn about the program. They may not the like direction of the program, but at least they are voicing their opinions and thoughts. The alternative response could be apathy and not care at all. Although, after what I've seen the last few years, I can see how easy it could be to be apathetic toward ISU football.

Nonetheless, the items 'cub mentioned in his post are quite disturbing about the current and future state of ISU football. While I hope they (Z, Tingey, anyone) can right the ship, it will be a difficult challenge for the current (and future) athletic and football leadership.

One of the concerns I about the program that hasn't been addressed (to my knowledge it hasn't, but may it has and I missed it) is player development. People are writing off RH as a viable option at QB, which people can argue for/against him being "the guy" and put to rest the musical QB show. My concern/question is this: has RH advanced as player? In other words, is RH better (or worse) now as a SR than when he was a FR or SOPH? You can down the list of players who have been with the program for 3+ years and ask, "has this player or that player improved their football skills over time?"

I understand the players are accountable for their development, but I also think the coaching staff is accountable in helping improve, develop, and maximize the abilities of the student-athletes. One player, in my opinion, who has improved steadily over the years, is AJ Storms. I'm sure there are others, and I don't mean to intentionally omit them. Is the coaching staff doing enough in player development? I don't know...and it's difficult to develop players if they are no longer in the program. Only seven players in their 3rd/4th year in the program? Really?
Because of money and facility issues, and not having a natural recruiting base, this is a challenging job for any coach. Zamberlain will be here through next season, since I doubt we'll buy him out. Our defense and special teams seem to be on par with other Big Sky schools (better than D2). Lets hope Z and Earley can elicit an effective offense. If not, then we'll replace him with someone that hopefully can recruit Big Sky talent with a shitty recruiting budget and shitty facilities (like Holt). But I think it's likely we'll be right back here in 3 years clamoring about firing the new coach too..
We fans are all helpless to change it. Its up to the players and coaches to prepare, game plan, and execute. All I can do is watch and hope we put it together.
First of all, I never said I was a female athlete. I said I am a female fan. What sense would it make for me to lie about my gender? It's not like this is ballet! That might be a situation where a male would feel embarrassed about admitting his sex on a public forum. This is football, a man's sport, so why would a guy feel pressure to hide his gender? Makes no sense to me. Anyway, I thought this was a FAN forum! Not a place for bitter, angry, misinformed people to insult student athletes and the coaching staff. I am really just disgusted at how malicious many of you are. I mean really, how would any of us feel if thousands of people were constantly scrutinizing us at our jobs? For instance, a bank teller. How many bank tellers are called fakes and basically cussed out, ridiculed by hundreds of people every other day? Didn't think so... I want all of you forum posters who are bashing on Bengal athletes and staff to take a moment and think about that. Imagine if people in your community were publicly insulting you every little mistake you make. To me, that is just sick and wrong. These guys are people just like the rest of us. Sure, ISU football has had its setbacks, but its not from a lack of effort. These guys are in there everyday, all day, all night, working their asses off to improve. If "we" think we know so much about the team and the decisions they are making, imagine how much the staff and players know when they are the ones dedicating their time and energy to the program. What are we doing to help? Sitting on our asses insulting them on forums while they are in the office putting blood sweat and tears into this program. I appreciate everything the athletes and staff have done, all the effort they have put in to this program. That kind of dedication and commitment is hard to find. And rather then sitting on my butt complaining about every little thing that doesn't go my way, I focus on the good. I am the type of person that looks for the good in people, what they have accomplished, how hard they are trying... I do not make false assumptions about people, call them names, and spend my days crying over a few loses. Instead, I support my TEAM, stand by them, realize they need support (not scrutiny) and I focus on the positives. So if it makes you guys feel better to sit around and bash on everyone else all day, go ahead... but there are some of us out here that appreciate the work these guys are putting in. I am proud of the boys and the staff! They have always treated me with the utmost respect and they go out of their way to be kind to my son. (players and coaches alike) I realize most of you are set in your ways, but instead of trying to ruin the fun for the rest of us, why don't you keep that garbage to yourselves!
Sincerely yours,
Bengal Tigress
Sniper, you are pretty much correct. Until major changes are made, be it in the way of physical, cultural, and financial, we are going to go down the same path over and over. At some point, the upper administration needs to address what they really want out of an athletic department. If they want bad to mediocre athletics, and they don't believe athletics serves to benefit the university as a whole, then they will continue on the same path. If they view athletics as an important benefit to the university, as it should be (FYU, an athletic donor is more apt to donate to the academic side as well), then they need to focus long and hard.

Tingey is green, there's no denying that. However, more improvements have been made to ISU facilities in the last couple of years than have been made in almost 40. Throw in the horrible economy, and it's truly amazing we've seen these improvements at all. The revolving door at AD has to stop. Is Tingey the best choice? I can't say he is, but I certainly can't say he isn't. He didn't hire Zamberlin. He did give him a 2 year extension. He didn't hire O'Brien, but he did give him an extension. He did hire Teichert, who seems to be an improvement. He hired Sobolewski, who seems to put out a competitive women's team. Time will tell about the softball hire. When one of the Idaho State Journal reporters was trying to bait Merrill Hoge to badmouth ISU a while back (was it Kellis?), Hoge did say the constant turnover of AD's was one of the factors which alienated him from ISU.

As far as Bengal Tigress goes, you gotta love a "lady" with the mouth of a sailor. Ok, not really. But if you are so thin skinned that any kind of criticism bothers you, then you need to stay off these boards. I visit a lot of sports message boards, and this one is by far one of the most tame ones out there. Go to egriz if you don't believe me. Have you ever sat up in the stands during a game? Whether ISU is winning or losing, there will always be fans who "know" how to coach better. These coaches chose a high profile position when they accepted this job. They give interviews through local media, including newspapers and TV. When was the last time a bank teller gave daily interviews AND had part of his contract based on media appearances? If a coach doesn't like being second guessed in the media or on a fan message board, then he needs to focus on his actual job or get a new one.
I want to acknowledge that facilities need to be upgraded. I know that more money and more of a recruiting budget would help things out at Idaho State. I do not want to down play that at all. However, I believe a competitive program can be built at Idaho State right now. We can debate this—but I do believe this.

There is no doubt that this team needs some more talent. But how can we say that talent can’t be recruited to Pocatello. How do we know without a doubt the Zamberlin hasn’t brought talent to Pocatello? We rarely see the talent that he recruits because they don’t hang around long enough to mature. What we are seeing is teams that are feverishly put together during the spring and summer—not teams that are built with solid recruiting classes. Think about it—less than 10 members of his first two classes are still with the team. This is too much attrition and in my opinion this is what is killing ISU now. The last two classes have had better retention—but the classes have been top heavy with JC talent to make up for the attrition of the first two seasons.

Next the QB position—please allow me to get my I love R. Hill remark out of the way. I love R. Hill—I love him, I love him—I’ll tell you I love him. He has battled his whole career at Idaho State and he has never given up. Every year they try to replace him and every year they end up coming back to him. Three offensive coordinators in three consecutive years—the QB’ are bound to have growing pains. The real truth—Galloway was tabbed to be the starter this year. Hill and Morris were an afterthought. You know why I know this? Idaho State broke its own recruiting code and APR plan to bring him in. Right or wrong—they thought Galloway was the difference. Does anyone really believe that Kyle Morris will be the starter at QB next season? Does anyone think that they won’t go after a JC kid for next season? Zamberlin does not have time to wait for Kyle to be ready. This isn’t meant to be a knock on Kyle at all. The real fault lies with the coaching staff and their inability to recruit talent and depth at that position. Case and point—look at the cupboard it is empty.

In my opinion Hill hasn’t gotten worse—the talent around him has. The first season that he played he had a bunch of talent left over from the Larry Lewis regime. The new talent that was recruited—never stuck around and the offense has been playing catch up ever since. Make no mistake about it—Idaho State should have more talented QB’s by now. They should have QB’s that are playing as RS sophomores and juniors and they shouldn’t have to have a new coordinator every single year.

Now why am I so down on Zamberlin?

APR—scholarship reductions and reduced practice time
Wins and losses

Three of these four have long-term ramifications if they happen one at a time—let alone four at a time.

Let’s address the apathy issue. Almost everyone on this board rather we agree or disagree—we are pretty much hardcore ISU fans. The die-hards are slowly starting to walk away. Maybe not totally away—but distancing themselves from the program. I have never seen it or felt it so bad. I know something is horribly wrong with ISU football—when I don’t care to come to games live anymore.

Oh and Tuff—hang in there my friend. There is nothing wrong with believing that things are turning around. Every season is a new beginning and we all have the hope that things are moving in the right direction.
The thread about amos and richards was an interesting read. Although from a couple years ago, it sounds eerily reminiscent. After reading it I went back and read different threads about the program, zamberlin, his assistants, etc., and I must say, there are many posts by different people that shed light on where we are now. Read a few that talked about player interviews and peoples interactions with the coaches that substantiate all that has been said in this thread and of late about this staff. I know its not new info, but it is enlightening.
You know--I couldn't agree with you more Dude.

I can only speak for my own contribution in that thread--pathetic on my part and I regret it. My apologies to everyone involved.
bengalcub said:
I want to acknowledge that facilities need to be upgraded. I know that more money and more of a recruiting budget would help things out at Idaho State. I do not want to down play that at all. However, I believe a competitive program can be built at Idaho State right now. We can debate this—but I do believe this.

I agree in that I think the program can be more competitive than it is. The offensive stats are once again at or near the bottom of the conference. Retention of quality athletes is a key, but ISU still needs to operate this program differently than what it has for the last 25 years.

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