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Whatever you all. Be content with losing to KU. I mean if were going to lose might as well be to KANSAS (yeah great team bl;ah blah they have holes too just like every other number one seed)? No offense to KU and I will be black listed faster than any of you who post the score of that game. But at leat IM NOT A PUSSSSSY. Say what you want. I am not content with this. Lets win more. Don't like that then maybe you should be blacklisted.

No hate on the VIKS just step the feek up my lil bro has bigger ballz than most viking fans. and thats sad.
GREAT SEASON at PSU but lets push it. I love my VIKS but then again Some of you think it is ok to just get there. I want to win A game and that starts now. RIGHT NOW. Say I am premature but.......................................................................

Hate me all you want I am that coach that made you around the field 18 times.

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