mrg85 said:
Well the trip was awesome regardless of the fact that it was a complete blizzard the whole game. The snow completely changed our game, and I believe had it been dry we would have had a much better chance. But some of the Weber State Fans were really obnoxious and out of control. There must be some rule in the big sky that the student section cannot be behind the visiting team. They were throwing snowballs and hitting our players!!!! They showed no class whatsoever.
good to hear the trip was awesome, as a student when i went to wsu some of my best memories were wsu road trips! way fun!! most were more fun than the home games! its too bad though that we are so far away and are your closest road team. we are pretty lucky having ISU less than 2 hrs away and even the montanas 6 hrs away.
sorry to hear about the fans buggin, i saw some throwing snowballs at the players and thought it was uncool, i did however at halftime go tell the police who did talk to a guy who was doing it. at the game i was saying to a friend, imagine if this game was at Montana, us and the players would probably be in the hospital due to snow ball beatings. lol
the good news though there was about equal amount of wsu students to jackpackers at that game lool!
btw, i was the one that met you guys! i even brought you a case of soda, so there was at least one fan that showed class! lol
as for road big sky games i have been to - isu, um, nau, msu - nau fans were the nicest. i can honestly say ive never experienced a single rude comment from nau or msu.
as for our student section behind your players thats the way its always been at WSU. the players and regular season tkt holders are on the west side due to the locker room location and shaded stands. so I wonder if WSU is a unique setup i cant recall any other stadium setups. the east side stands are students and GA.
also that is the only game ive seen road fans on the student side. they usually are always on the west side by the opposing team lockerroom tunnel.