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Weber State is out recruiting BYU


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http://www.cougarboard.com/board/message.html?id=7041040" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

found this article on cougarboard, looks like they are finally starting to get an idea of what the future looks like.
YBU will, likely, always have an advantage with local morman kids. However, that is where their advantage ends. It will be quite interesting to see how this will all unfold as we move forward. I suspect that things won't change a lot. YBUs efforts to get LDS kids will still be fruitfull for them and WSU will still get some very good LDS kids as well as very good non LDS kids. Life goes on;-)
I too looked at the board, Could they make it any more difficult to navigate and read the posts?
Yeah, I don't think the Y has to worry to much about Weber. 80% of the time they are going to get the instate recruit, especially if he is LDS.

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