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Well, I Will Say This....


Active member
It's kinda fun seeing the message board with some life in it, especially during the off-season. I must admit that watching the "Up" debates is a bit like being in a scene from "Ground Hog Day" -- we keep going around and around the same issues. I'm sure "Up" is having a good laugh at all our expense -- whether it's one or two or three different "Ups."

And the debate over the Big Sky tourney format over on the basketball board has been entertaining, as well. Passion...it's what makes for a lively conversation. Carry on.
the only thing needed to do well in the big sky basketball tournament in the big sky is to make sure every team in the big sky conference has at least 90% juco transfers and drop downs that is the only way to win games in the big sky conference basketball season games i know that isu could win more big sky football games in the big sky conference if the basketball team only had more juco transfers and drop down players.... :sarcasm: :bananahump: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Spartan, you might be right, but I would need to see a media source for that. Do you have one? Could you search for one? Could you go do my research for me and come back with an answer with sources cited?

:laugh: :fuel:
rocky mountain ass monkey sighting, rocky mountain ass monkey sighting!!!!!

prepare for thread hijacking and related blithering (essential the same bullshit as always)

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Rocky Mountain ass monkey sighting confirmed.......edited its own post 4 times...
can't even put up with its own bullshit....

thread hijacking & same old bullshit soon to follow

:blah: :blah: :blah: :blah:

Skippy - only one Up. I agree with you that it is Ground Hog Day so I will not be bringing up the JUCO or Drop Down conversation again with other posters. I made my point and other posters have made their point. I would like to ask you two questions and I promise not to answer you or anyone else back.

I like Coach Kramer as a coach and I know he has done well in the past with some other teams in the Big Sky but

1) Do you think a 2 -22 record in the Big Sky the last 3 seasons is acceptable at a D-1 level?

2) What did Coach Kramer and his staff do during the "2014 recruiting season" to help the 2014 team possibly win more games in the Big Sky?

I hope Coach Kramer and the 2014 team improves their win-loss record in 2014 in the Big Sky and I hope the seniors leave ISU with a better win record in the Big Sky as I know that is important to them.
Good questions. Is 2-22 acceptable? Not under ordinary circumstances, but Mike did not inherit ordinary circumstances. He inherited very little talent, a team on APR probation and tighter recruiting restrictions. But here's the thing--it really doesn't matter what my opinion is because Mike doesn't work for me. He was a direct hire of Dr. Vailas and he reports to Jeff Tingey. They are the ones who set the standards they expect Mike to meet, and they are the ones who establish the terms and conditions under which he must work -- including the tougher academic standards for recruits, two "money games a year," new practice field, etc. If they are happy with the progress he's made, including getting the team out of APR "jail" in a relatively short time, then it doesn't matter what the rest of us think.

At some point, of course, Mike will have to start winning some more Big Sky games. Is that this year, with his contract expiring? Could be. But then you have to ask yourself, "if not Mike, then who?" Since Dave Kragthopre left we've tried a local high school legend, two PAC-10/12 assistants, a junior college coach, an NFL assistant and a D-II coach. Unless we're ready to go out and get us a little league dynasty builder , we've pretty much exhausted the possibilities. So if Mike, a three-time Big Sky coach of the year, can't get it done here, who can?

As to the most recent recruiting class, I was underwhelmed. But I do believe Mike has improved the talent level in recent years, particularly on the offensive and defensive fronts. Has it improved enough to win a couple of Big Sky games this year? We shall see.

One last point I will make about ISU football in particular, and ISU athletics in general: winning here is damn tough. In an average year we raise about $400 k a year in donations. Boise State just sold naming rights to their stadium for $650 k. And they are so flush with money they are going to use that cash to up the scholarship stipends for every athlete at BSU. ISU generates so little in ticket revenue (about $250 k a year for all sports) that they have to send their football and basketball teams out on the road to play bodybag games every season so they can afford to run decent programs. And while the football facilities have been gradually improved in recent years , Holt Arena is a dinosaur that desperately needs remodeling, if not complete replacement. So we can all quibble about Mike's recruiting results and whether he should take a few more JC kids, but that's really ignoring the major issues that all of ISU athletics face.
.... good points skippy....I was also disappointed in this year's recruiting class....BUT....when mike was hired I drank the Kool-Aid....in fact I remember asking for a second glass.....when jeff tingey realized how bad the APR situation was...he should have then added two years to Kramer's contract....giving him the first two to fix the APR and then 4 to get the football program in order....now with folks looking at "Ws and Ls" it makes it a little tougher to do....but still the right thing in my mind....and I totally agree "if not Kramer....who?".....
...I do think we will win a few games this year...yes I thought that last year...not just "we played close" as it turned out...but Kramer HAS laid the foundation....the O and D lines ARE bigger ...closer to Big Sky size... we do have weaknesses....no argument we needed to keep ...or get ....some upper class WR and that "Home Run" RB would have been nice... (i'm still thinking a surprise is coming)....
...BUT folks ...you either back the program....and we keep grinding to get to better days......or you sit in front of the computer and type questions and/or comments that simply sound ...at best juvenile... or that you have "an axe to grind".....neither of which are very productive in my mind....so I choose to support Kramer ....and see what he has up his sleeve for this year..... :coffee:
How many scholarships did you believe we had to offer this year, we only graduated 10 seniors from last years team. A couple of scholarships were given to proven walk-on's, the rest spread to the kids recruited. As some of you have pointed out, fixing the APR issues was not going to be a quick process. The first thing that Kramer did was give a group of high academic walk-on's money, most of them were freshman and sophomores. Some of those kids graduated in 2014 the rest will graduate in 2015 giving us about twenty graduating seniors for next year. This year we only had a few scholarships to give next we have two to three times as many to offer. The method used to fix the APR problem is slow but most likely will leave a strong team academically for the future. Remember this is not the first time the University of Idaho has been in APR hell, they obviously used a quick fix method the last time that did not leave a strong base for the future. Those kids who were given money to help the APR issues are better players today than they were as freshman and sophomores as are the kids that Kramer and his staff have recruited the past three years. The team will be better next year and will improve each year after as the talent base improves.
blackfootbengal said:
How many scholarships did you believe we had to offer this year, we only graduated 10 seniors from last years team. A couple of scholarships were given to proven walk-on's, the rest spread to the kids recruited. As some of you have pointed out, fixing the APR issues was not going to be a quick process. The first thing that Kramer did was give a group of high academic walk-on's money, most of them were freshman and sophomores. Some of those kids graduated in 2014 the rest will graduate in 2015 giving us about twenty graduating seniors for next year. This year we only had a few scholarships to give next we have two to three times as many to offer. The method used to fix the APR problem is slow but most likely will leave a strong team academically for the future. Remember this is not the first time the University of Idaho has been in APR hell, they obviously used a quick fix method the last time that did not leave a strong base for the future. Those kids who were given money to help the APR issues are better players today than they were as freshman and sophomores as are the kids that Kramer and his staff have recruited the past three years. The team will be better next year and will improve each year after as the talent base improves.

I knew this was going to be a small class, Blackfoot, but I was hoping we'd pick up a JC WR and RB, a couple of difference makers on offense. Mike said that was a priority going into the recruiting period. It didn't happen, but that just means the current players who haven't seen much time are going to have to step up. We have a gaggle of wideouts who came into the program as true freshmen, it's time for some of them to take the next step.

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