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Western Oregon Exhibition


Staff member
Looks like we'll get to see where we're at on Saturday...

Some thoughts about the exhibition game against Western Oregon…

- Well, we lost to Western Oregon, who apparently had their three best players sitting out (according to the significant other of their head coach who sat by me in the second half). Normally, this would be a really, really bad sign for the 2017/18 season. It did seem like this was more of a feeling out game by our coaching staff. While WOU was trying to win, we appeared to be trying to have a look at different lineups. I think our starters sat for the first five or so minutes of the second half, which is when we went down by ten.

- I could not stop looking at Deante Strickland’s shorts. Well, actually his legs, since his shorts only went half way down his thigh. I’m not sure if that was just for the exhibition game or if he’s going to rock those all season long, but I guess we’ll find out on the 5th. I was literally humming the Nair for Short Shorts jingle from the 1980’s.

- The acoustics of the practice gym made for an interesting for a game atmosphere. Imagine 30-40 people yelling at the same time in a subway station with a loud buzzer going off all of the time.

- We have some options to go real big with either Edwards/Rumel, and Farris on the floor at the same time. I think Farris is going to have a great season.

- Speaking of Edwards… Seemed like in the first half we were using him for high screens, with more offense focused on him later in the game. Oh, and someone get this guy some new shoes. I think he was wearing his shoe from last year, as I think they said “Zags” on them and they were kind of beat to hell. He had a couple good moves to the bucket in the second half, but also seemed to clank some bunnies in close on put backs.

- We looked pretty good on free throws, which is nice since we were so terrible last season at the charity stripe.

- I noticed a lot of transition 3-point attempts that didn’t go down. I’m not a big fan of those shots.

- I don’t think Tucker was suited. Ugh. Is he hurt again? I seem to recall his name being mentioned as a guy in the four spot in that Peery video about a week or so ago.

- I thought Mayhew looked really good. Nice defense and he shot the ball well. I think he hit three balls from beyond the line.

- Damn, that #2 (Trammell) for WOU is a shooter. Not sure how many 3’s he hit, but it was impressive.

On to Evergreen on the 5th to see what we really look like.

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