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What sort of offense is O'Brien trying to run?


Sorry if this comes off as oversimplifying things, but it seems obvious to me that the Bengals have a 7-footer in the middle who doesn't get enough touches.

Why not feature Busma a lot more? Just give him the ball down low and let him go to work?

I had a hard time figuring out what O'Brien was trying to do on Monday night.

Anybody else feel the same way?

Swanny puts in majority of the offense. A lot of the sets are two guards up top or a tandem and usually has a big at high post.. There are a few of the sets that bring the bigs so far from the basketball.. its somewhat frustrating... i know that there are some of the sets... they take the big outside then bring him in on a cut. But these offensive sets are more for the guards. Definitely think we need to get the bigs around the basket and more involved. Get some high low action going on or something. Instead of using the big as a passer on the high post or using him to just hand the ball off to a guard on a set that they run a lot "Basic". I feel these sets are more for going through the motions rather than putting guys in scoring opportunites, It looks like we are just swinging the ball around the wing and people like Amorrow and Donnie having to use their athleticism to make plays. I think that is our biggest problem offensively. Now i am not saying that i dislike all of the sets. I like some of them and plan on using them as well.
I agree totally, the bigs need to play big and strong. I am sure the coaches will be adding and tweaking things offensively. Right now the offense relies too much on one on one play. Amorrow is about the only player that can create for himself which is great. He will most likely shoot a higher percentage running the wing and maybe getting him curling into the lane.
We need to run Stucki, Bay and some of our other shooters off screens to get them free to shoot. I am sure the team will improve in the next game. I also hope to see some new offensive sets to promote our strengths.
On the denfensive end, the zone did not look too bad.

I'll ask the question again! What sort of "offense" is O'Brien trying to run?

I don't see one AT ALL!

It's one-on-one AAU ball!

Ugly to watch, that's for sure!
I have asked the same question for the past 3 years... O'Brien needs to bring someone in (coaching staff)that can put in some good offensive sets... Coach Swanson is a great guy but something needs to change
I completely agree with your thoughts, we need to get away from 1 on 1 basketball with each position and begin running a real offense scheme!

amorrow right , amorrow left, amorrow down the middle, sometimes shoot the three, or shoot while checking in at the score table

we need a motion offense that makes EVERYONE playmakers and scorers, high pick and roll, screens on the perimeter, God, we have none of that right now, no wonder the players are getting discouraged already.

the substitution pattern leaves everyone wondering what did I do?

seriously, coaches lets get this straight! we have a good group of players, we can compete for a title, you guys need to do your part now!

dont punish the team with track star running, get serious and put in some offense and narrow the rotation down to 8-9 players, heck ESPN has already said so much and named the players that should be on the floor based on their "team" success, jeez if they know it, why are we goofing around?
Went to the game tonight--impressed with the effort for the most part.

The Bengal defense can be very effective at times and pretty damn exciting.

ISU seems to run an offensive that cannot create open shots. Stucki and Carson are struggling quite a bit to get into any flow. ISU seems to favor bringing the big fellas out to the top of the key most of the time with the sets that they run. I too would like to see the ball entered to the bigs in the paint, but Busma and Stein are very soft down there, they seem to be more comfortable facing the basket. It seems like the only open looks that ISU can get is when Morgan penetrates. I just don't see much continuity on offense--but I will bet it gets better as the season progresses. O'Brien, in my opinion is subbing way too much--players just can't get into a grove.

Defensively, ISU is getting pushed around like mad underneath. Busma and Steijn really play poor post defense. Busma in particular tries to block shots and would really benefit from staying on the floor more often. With that said, I am still impressed with him. He seems to be coming along better than Steijn did last season. I'm not sure that the Big Sky will have such an easy time with the two, but these bigger teams just may have their way with them.

Again, I think this team will be solid by the time conference rolls around. But they really need to find a way to get Carson and Stucki more involved in the offense. Morgan cannot be forced to take 25-30 shots a game. Not because he can't score--its because the team becomes too one dimensional.

Finally, I like the energy and the effort and I may be way off on what I see this early in the season. I know this team can defend and I know that they are way more talented than they were last year.

Long Beach State will be a great test for ISU--they just beat Weber.
You don't have to reinvent the wheel and try to come up with a perfect offense. For guys to score in this offense if you want to call it that... they have to do exactly what Amorrow has been doing and create their own shots. Coaching staff needs to look at their personnel and put in sets that would fit their abilities, style of play and strengths. I dont know if you fans have noticed but they have been running pretty much the same thing for the past three years. Thats why we would go for 7 - 10 minutes without a bucket. The sets are running through the motions but thats all that is going on.. Don't need to make it harder than it needs to be... Its not rocket science its basketball... O'brien is all about defense and it shows.. That is what keeps us in the game and D should always do that.. but there is the other half of the court we have to play on and we need to figure something out, or it will be the same thing the last two games... Amorrow to the bucket ... Meech gets a rebound and a put back ..... These guys can win it all in the BSC
Just posted this on another thread, thought I would repeat it here:

Against BYU, I actually thought I saw ISU run some staggered double screens to try to get guys open looks.

FIRST TIME this year I have seen that!

That bodes well, I hope the coaches will continue to implement more of this kind of stuff.

Let's beat Washington State!

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