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What would you do to improve PSU?

Get the best choice of school colors, because that affects everything you see there, and collegiate (and alum) wear.

I suggest we keep green and white and make a wise decision on the third color. Then that is what we keep, settled once and for all. Right now, things are up-in-the-air about silver being an official color. If it is, then why haven't we seen it since the 1970s? Black is also used, but nowhere is it mentioned as being official.

Keeping green and white, I suggest we toss out the silver and black in favor of a color that would give PSU some instant political recognition at the state level. That color being blue. Our color scheme would then remind people of the Oregon license plate and look very Oregon. Some would wonder at first: I recognize these colors, but from where?

We can do this because the University of Oregon kyped the 'O' from the Oregon State Scholarship Commission and now use it as their official logo, for those of you who remember what that 'O' looked like. They claim some nonsense about the shapes of Autzen Stadium and Hayward Field, but it is the old OSSC 'O'.
Use eminent domain to purchase 'the vue' and turn it into student housing. I hate the fact that there's a private apartment complex right in the heart of our campus.
I asked Sam Adams to do that before he left office. He should have done it. Could it still be in the works?

It remains an absolute 'must-do' for all Portland mayors and/or PDC until is a reality.
I would like the school approach world famous Portland entrepreneur, someone with a reputation like Gert Boyle and ask them if they will associate their name with the school of business, possibly arrange internships for students and get PSU's name out there on the world stage as a school with a quality business program in a city with a international reputation
I was on my way to giving Broadwayvik the "nobody self-identifies as a Hipster" speech (other thread) when I sought to get level by reading this.

Then I thought about Viking Pavilion. Then I thought about the commenters to the recent Oregonlive articles on the arena proposal (no sane person should do that with any article, FTR) where there's more than one person complaining about spending money on this instead of, say, library expansion. Then I went to google maps and went all nuts.

To give you the theme of this, I had a blog entry a year too late regarding an idea I had about Memorial Coliseum proposals.

http://blogbythepound.wordpress.com/2011/04/11/we-once-were-promised-a-rose-garden-shows-us-what-we-know/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

Envision a multi-level facility where Stott Center is integrated with the library, then the community field is replaced with a rather large building and the field is replaced on top of that. Does PSU need space for something? Start imagining.
I think that planning and envisioning PSU architecturally into 3-dimensions is a solid idea worthy of pursuit. Bravo, Pounder.

In addition to purchasing the Vue building (Bravo, martymoose), PSU also needs to buy back the AAA building, redesign it for classroom space (with parking underneath) and then perhaps rent out apportioned space back to AAA.

I believe an error we make as a community is that we have a tendency to mock or quash ideas rather than to find or support what is good about them (the "kernel" of a good idea). If the ideas can be mocked, then there is a strong tendency to do so. What may work better is for the community to work together to establish where an idea's center of value is, identify it and give it direction for more development, rather than just simply amplifying and automatically preying on the human errors of others.

By doing so, I believe we would eventually create a great set of workable and valuable ideas by building mediocre ideas up into good ones and making good ideas even better. This rather than silencing them out (or worse, creating unnecessary battles back-and-forth).

I agree: Imagination is key. Collective imagination works well in council, like contributors in King Arthur's Round Table.

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