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What's an appropriate UP-PSU Rivalry Trophy name?


Active member
UP-PSU Rivalry Trophy
What would be an appropriate Rose City Rivalry trophy name to play for each year? Something smart, endearing that would inspire affection, something each of us would desire to have. Something meaningful. Something conjuring up the images of the two universities. This takes depth of social acumen to come up with the most fitting concept to make this rivalry name a winner.

The Golden Rose? The Purple & Green Rose?

The Purple & Green Streetcar (model-size, of course)?

The Willamette Cup? Let's make it sound really prestigious and worth fighting for.

The Barge Trophy? The Grapevine Trophy? The Forest Park Trophy? The Lighthouse Trophy?

See, now we have some good ideas. Undoubtedly, there are more good names.

I suggest a PSU-AD meeting with UP-AD in which Valerie Cleary et al. bring our community's top ideas.

The UP-AD team can take our list and then come back with their top ideas, from which a mutual short list is generated.

We let these best names from the mutual top ideas percolate in each others' minds for a while and then make efforts to prune the list smartly, hopefully, yielding the smartest, best fitting name.

Our teams then decide on the best way to create and establish the trophy. Then alert the media and we're off. I think the UP team will also have some very good ideas to add to the mix.
Looks like we took the inaugural "We suck more than the Pilots let's cry in our beer cup"! Thanks Alan! Thanks Broadway Vik!
DavidKeys said:
BTW, it already has a name: The Rose City Rivalry
David, is this true? There is already an official name?

Is there a Rivalry Trophy in place? Can we at least make a contribution there? I think we can punch up this rivalry to a higher level as the type of rivalry it is (private Catholic versus public) is just like the rivalry they have in similarly-sized Cincinnati:


But the built-in advantage we have is the names are so similar and so people immediately recognize it as a rivarly game, although I think we will need to punch up the marketing artwork:

What do you know, David, about this rivalry name? Has a rivalry trophy been yet established?

So, now we need a trophy. What do you think of the Golden Rose for our rivalry trophy?

The one who gets things done, our execution specialist, is Peter Stott. Do we know how to get ahold of his email address? It would be fitting to cc: Valerie Cleary or address them simultaneously.

My guess is that if we got the trophy established, the rivalry would become a quantum leap more real, and we and UP could contact the media and have a joint news conference to announce it and make it official.

Then it becomes something real and relevant to Portland.
Everyone is wrong!

(By no means does that make me right, but I'm running with this.)

Just because it's the Rose City Rivalry doesn't mean you shouldn't (1) have a kegger at Waterfront Park while you're challenging UP fans to some charitable contest, (2) "accidentally" leave spray paint near the kegs, (3) someone starts painting untoward messages on the kegs, leading to (4) painting over each other's junk and stealing the damn thing from each other.

Legends are more likely to be born from pointless skullduggery than they are corporate committee time. But the charitable challenge (which does exist in the UO v OSU series) is a good idea regardless.

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