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What's up with the silent treatment???


Active member
What have we done, lost our pulse?
No posts about game, no comments about anything for 48 hrs or so over a gameday.
What gives?

Here's one:
I thought it was great to see the players pay homege to Andrew by writing '82' on their tape and stuff.
You are dead on. I alluded to it last week, but since the extension was announced it has been extremely quiet on here. What I think is interesting is that all those who were loudly in favor of zamberlin to get an extension are not even posting. They were so adament about supporting the program and zam. Supporting the building of the program. Yet now there's nothing. On the other hand, the majority of those saying that z needed to leave asap haven't been posting.

As for the game, it seemed to be more of the same zamberlin brand. We came out and showed that we could do some things. The other team adjusted and we didn't. It was pretty evident after our first couple drives that they changed up what they were doing offensively and defensively and took advantage through those adjustments. It was good to see mozza get some more snaps this week. Finally the coaches pulled their heads out. He shoulda been playing (along with all the 2nd/3rd string guys) in every 4th quarter this year. Defensively I'm tired of hearing that they are doing well. The defense is terrible. Even with cullens help, the defense has continued to give up massive amounts of points and yards.
We went to the volleyball match last night and listened to the last part of the FB game on the way down to Poky. The MSU game sounded like it could have been a replay of any of the past many weeks. We score about 10 and they score about 40. That is the one consistency of this season.
What ELSE remains to be said? Coach Z was quoted as saying we played pretty well for the first half. :shock:
Oh, bruddah!
it seems to me that we typically do well in the first quarter or so, but by the end of the 4th it's a 30 point game.. this tells me think that we have the ability to compete athletically, but we're missing something in the 2nd, 3rd and 4th quarters?

i wonder what the heck is missing..?

ps. the silent treatment feels like a side affect of depression, at least for me it is.
I must admit...

The prospect of averaging 10 PPG on the season (has that ever happened)
Having the BSC longest road losing streak
Being 1-24 in the last 25 games
The prospect of rushing for less than 500 yards in a season (least in ISU history I think)
Having only 1 rushing TD in 9 games
Being outscored by 35 PPG
Finishing 2nd or 3rd from last in the nation in total offense
3rd or 4th from last in the nation scoring offense
2nd or dead last in the nation in total defense
2nd or 3rd from last in the nation for points allowed
2nd or dead last in total sacks
Being last in the country in rushing offense and rushing TD's
Averaging 1.16 yards per carry for the season
Being 2nd to last in the nation in 3rd down conversion percentage
Being 7th from last in the nation in turnover margin
Being known as the worst team in 1-AA football in 2008 and 2009
Watching Sac State, Northern Colorado, Southern Utah and Idaho win again

...Has really gotten me down. Not sure why? But it does for some silly reason. Then again, sunny fall days and Sundays always get me down.
Cub, if I didn't know any better, your remarks show what an amazing 're'building job that zamphony has been doing. Those statistics, however don't show the real story. They don't show all the moral victories zamberphon has had since he got here. I think he's leading the nation in those victories. I mean, we had a goal line stand against oklahoma!! We statistically dominated sac state!! Its like ting-a-ling said, we are more competitive this season. Last year we lost in conf by about 17pts. This year we are only losing by 27pts. But those numbers are skewed because we've played the big dogs in conf. I mean, sac st, no colo, cen wash, hell everyone we play is a big dog... So we just need to lay off zamblumkin and his staff so they can spew out some more moral victories with those excuses we keep hearing.
I tried to listen to the game in Idaho Falls. I couldn't pick up the signal inside my house and so I drove around until I could hear it. When the signal finally came in I was forced to listen to two guys trying to broadcast a game with a cell phone! Busch League!
This year's been pretty tough for all of us. Hopefully we can get some players that can make an immediate impact next season and we can win at least a few games. I'm tired of losing all the time in football. Sure, I'm glad when we have success in basketball, soccer, volleyball, etc. But like most of you, I like football quite a bit better than most of the other sports we have. And it pains me to see us lose all the time. One thing about Zamberlin is that he had a big recruiting advantage when he was coaching a D2 school in Washington, because there's about 6.5 million people in that state and very few FB programs, and he could get still get some pretty decent players there. Even if they weren't good enough to go to Washington or Wazzu. And the same thing happened with Bud Hake back in the late 70's, he had a fair amount of success coaching a JC in Washington and had good talent there, but completely flopped when he came here.
It is getting harder and harder to be positive...ROAR, you need to get back on here and give us all a lift!!! I was watching the game on TV with a friend and he stated he's sick of the coaches having a losing attitude.He said what's the deal with Blum...it is great to see Evan in the game but this is not JR High. Blum was good enough to start the season and now is not even part of the team. The coaches need to play to win right up until the last whistle blows. How can the players have any hope when they don't have faith in the coaching staff? The players that had heart at the start of the season seem even deflated. Come on team, dig deep even if your coaching staff can't. GO BIG ORANGE...BEAT MONTANA!!!COME ON FANS...LET'S TURN OUT IN HUGE NUMBERS FOR THOSE BOYS!!!! SEE YA ALL, SATURDAY!!!
If football is so bad this year, why am I, of all people, laughing about it?

Bah, at least I have soccer, volleyball and basketball is like, 2 days away. And Buckeye football. AND I can take great happiness in watching BYU fail at being a legit football program. And Buckeye football. And studying history, particularly of the military persuasion. AND BUCKEYE FOOTBALL!!!

We need a complete and total overhaul of the football program. Seriously, enough of this. I don't want to hear anything about heart; we have none.

This isn't just the coaches. Everyone involved with this program needs to get the ass-kicking of their lives. Practices are, from what plenty of people have told me, are a breeze compared to what other teams go through.

Runningback fumbles the ball. No punishment. QB throws a pick? No punishment. If I were coach and my RB fumbled, look for the poor bastard running stairs afterwords. QB throws a pick? I'll make him do wind sprints from end zone to end zone. Receivers not blocking on runs or screens? Gassers!

I suggest spring practice be a mean, ass-kicking of an affair. Bo Schembechler turned Michigan spring practices from light runs and exercises to stay in shape to a boot camp.
Superfan...No it isn't just the coaches fault...and I think most of the players need some positive remarks and I bet most of those boys are working their asses off. I AM SURE THEY DO NOT LIKE THE SITUATION EITHER! It is called MORALE AND OURS IS AS LOW AS IT CAN GET! It's too bad those players aren't as talented as you think you are.
They don't like the situation...and they're not doing a whole bunch to change it. A bull session is needed, get all the bad shit out. And where the hell did you get that talent remark? I never said anything about being talented.

Most. That's all I ever hear, is most of them work their asses off. Last time I checked, it was a team sport, where 100% of the team must give their all. MOST isn't good enough, GBO. It never will be.

I look at the field and all I see is a lack of discipline. A lack of focus. We let the little things in a game get to us. It's our niche I guess....
What can the players do now to change things....Their hands are tied and the morale on the team is obviously low...Tingey controlled that when he gave Zamberlin two more years! ROAR, please get on here and give me something positive to focus on....I'm slipping into a pessimsitic a-hole.
Well for starters since the playbook (if it can even be thought of as such) is shot to hell, make your own playcalls and formations? Maybe the captains of the team can step up and take charge? Make like a bunch of Young Turks, I guess.

At this point I'm willing to try anything. Couldn't be any worse.
Yes Ted....they went with the cell phone until they had a chance to reboot the ops board...the cell phone thing lasted only a few minutes. The only complaint I've ever heard from the IF region regarding the game on the radio has been from Ted...everyone else seems to get it fine. If that's incorrect, those people need to let myself, Jerry Miller, or KSEI or KRXK know about it.

I do know there is a plan of action by John in place to get this team turned around...there are certain things he is not happy about...and that goes across the board...it's not my place to say where or what, but he definitely is not happy with how things are playing out, and he has a definite plan in place to fix it.

I'm not trying to dissuade your conversation or anything, because it has been tough (try writing about it daily LOL), but rest assured that John has a definite plan of attack, recruiting-wise, philosophy-wise, and everything else-wise....

I listened to the Bengals on the radio just outside of West Yellowstone. Not sure why you couldn't listen in IF. There are problems with ISU football but Jerry and Brad are not one of them
Frank, if he has a plan he needs to make some changes today...not next year....It is not fair to THIS TEAM!!! ROAR...Please, something positive!
Does this attack consist of screen passes? 4 yard receiver routes? Runningbacks that fumble? Our "attack" is so obvious our opponents openly admit it in the post-game interviews.

Recruiting? Budget be damned, get me some bigger O-lineman and players with a damn mean streak. I haven't seen anybody step right in front of an oncoming player all year; it's either arm-tackles or trying to manuever to get them from the side.

Gaaaah it's worse than watching the soft zone defense of Ohio State...

I'm just extremely frustrated about all this.

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