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When will ISU Win


New member
I first and foremost was completly embarrassed by the way the Bengal football team "tried" to execute against "DII" CWU. Although I want to support his staff, it is starting to look as if Coach Z was winning football games in washington because of the talent in the CWU Program. After all CWU is still winning. I guess the big question is how long is it going to take for Zamberlin to win? Akey has been at Idaho the same amount of time Zamberlin has and seems to be getting them on the right track. Sometimes coaches look like good coaches becuase of their players rather than their coaching ability. Although I think I have it in me to continue to support ISU and the staff, the clock is ticking and the schedule doesnt look promising.
I don't think we can heap it all on Zam just yet.

For one, he is just barely hitting his recruiting classes. Second, he walked into a program that had zero, and I mean zero, momentum in the right direction.

What can we expect though? ISU is plagued with good-old-boy practices that are catching up to it.

I mean, really, show me one other D1 school where the university can hire the VP's inexperienced (literally, his first AD job) son as the athletic director and get away with it. When you take a step back and look at... wow... Only in Pocatello...

We prostitute this team out for it's first two games to "recover" the budget and then sit around scratching our heads when we get smashed by nobody university.

Bottom line. Big picture stuff, we are in a really bad position. I just don't see the cycle going in the other direction till we get the administrative side under control.

I'm a member of the Bengal Foundation so it does not really effect me, but charging $5 for parking... Not going to encourage any more people to come to the game...
mkmksthwrth, I have to disagree with a few things. How many AD's have we had in the past 10 yrs? What have they or havn't they done? Why aren't they here anymore?

I know that Tingey is in it for the long haul. He is from here. He has an agenda to help this program. If i am not mistaken he has helped fix our budget deficit, got the biggest corporate sponsor in history thus far to donate a video board, new locker rooms and a start to a new and better game day experience for fans before and during the game. He has not done any worse then the past AD's. He has done better IMO and you can't fault him for that. If anything he will try to break down the barriers between ISU and Southeast Idaho and throw a wrench into the good old boys clubs up there. The same old crap has been going on year after year and i believe Tingey is the man to get it done up there and take control.

And the parking is still cheap compared to other places. $20-$30 is not uncommon for other venues.
mkmk... or whatever your name is - the university of oregon recently had an athletic director who appeared to get the job only because of his relationship with nike/phil knight, i believe oklahoma state is going through something similar with t. boone pickins hand selecting one of his boys to be ad - if the schools wanted the money being offered - they would 'select' the appropriate candidate for the job - it happens all the time all over the country
I have no say either way on the Ad situation. I do know that anyone can be better than that Bum bubbles oops I mean Bubb anyway. I am sorry though people I always want the best for ISU and will try to always look at the glass as half full. Go ISU!
Just a point of order...ISU athletics is not charging $5 for parking...that was not an athletic department thing.

I am totally fine with it myself and i often wonder why it has taken until now to charge that? We had it made for years with free parking. isusid, who's decision was it just for the record?
Athletics and Holt arena wanted a parking fee, but the prices and what types of events were charged is a lower campus decision I believe...technically not a loop I am in.


I will concede, you make a good point about some of the progress he has made with the program. By no means do I want this to come off as an attack on him. And surely he is about par for the course as far as ADs go.

Really, I think we can take any one point that is negative about the school and plug it into a "hey, look at those other guys do it and, well, they are OK" type argument. And come on, I would LOVE to see somebody's association to "nike/phil knight" getting them in at ISU. If that was the sort of problems we were having then maybe we would have programs like oregon and OK state...

I guess we could split hairs about WHO is charging for parking (BTW, the student association is who built the place). I could also point out that yes, the locker room is still needing sponsorship, and yes, we still have serious budget holes...

But I am talking big picture here. We need real positive change. To me, having the son of a left over administrator from Dick Bowen (who by the way happens to be an area leader in the Mormon church) slide into the job on a interim basis is just bad form. No attack on Mormons, no attack on the Tingeys. Politically its a GREAT idea. Heck, who in Pocatello doesn't know the Tingeys, I mean how many people on this board know one of them? But as far as I see it, it's just more of the same. No matter how good a university president is or any upper level administrator they just gain too many enemies over the years to be efficient after a while. That is why universities (normally) keep presidents for five years or so... I don't want to attack the guy, it's just, lets see some new tricks ISU...

No one person can be the ISU scapegoat. Not Tingey, not Zam, not Bubb, not even the players. BSU is a community success as much as it is an administrative success. I just feel it's time for the winds of change to blow over everything we have been doing for the last 20 years. Changing one piece of the puzzle every couple of years and hoping for radical improvement is ludicrous.

We have some old school, dated practices at ISU that are perpetuated by the administration. Hiring in-house-in-good-old-boy-club is just one of the many. It's very frustrating for donors like myself to see it. How do we change it? I don't know. Complaining on this board makes me feel better but in the end have no effect. It's a rough time to be a Bengal.

I don't understand the many passes we give Coach Z. He is not a d1 coach period. His teams are terrible and we can't keep blaming others for the job he has done. I personally am sick of it. ISU is not good and won't be good until the whole culture changes and that I don't see possible. My family has been asked many times for money or ISU athletics and ISU itself and its hard to give to that institution. I don't feel most people care in south east Idaho about ISU. I don't think we ever get the full story on what goes on there behind closed doors and most importantly its not a tradional student school, and not a place where most kids in idaho want to go.
You hit the nail on the head.

mkmksthwrth said:
I don't think we can heap it all on Zam just yet.

For one, he is just barely hitting his recruiting classes. Second, he walked into a program that had zero, and I mean zero, momentum in the right direction.

What can we expect though? ISU is plagued with good-old-boy practices that are catching up to it.

I mean, really, show me one other D1 school where the university can hire the VP's inexperienced (literally, his first AD job) son as the athletic director and get away with it. When you take a step back and look at... wow... Only in Pocatello...

We prostitute this team out for it's first two games to "recover" the budget and then sit around scratching our heads when we get smashed by nobody university.

Bottom line. Big picture stuff, we are in a really bad position. I just don't see the cycle going in the other direction till we get the administrative side under control.

you really have some good points and some that are of great concern. The Mormon thing though, cmon? If you have nothing against Mormons then why bring it up? But you have every right to because it is your opinion. I say we laeave that one alone.

I have brought this up before and in a nut shell i will try to explain my take on the AD situation. I was in a meeting when Jeff Tingey showed up and introduced himself as the acting AD. He was sincere and i believed him when he said he and his dad were not on the same page with him being appointed by Pres Vailas. He said it was almost like his father didn't want him to succeed at that position because of what the public might say? He said they didn't talk about it together because it was a sore subject between them. I can say this because i heard it from his mouth. Vailas appointed him not his dad. I don't hardly know Jeff but i feel like he has done some great stuff in a short amount of time. I say let him run with it. He has done more then some of those big hitters they brought in years ago. I think we are fine with him.

Is there good old boys and girls clubs still out there and up there? Probably. With new blood and new ideas i think it will take care of itself. I applaud you in your passion and concern with ISU as a fellow fan. Hopefully we all can share a bit here and there and be teachable and we can get it done. GO BENGALS!

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