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Who is your All-time Viking First Team? Second? Third?


Active member
I would like to suggest perhaps:

Portland State Vikings All-time

First Team

C- Scott Morrison
F- Jason Hartman
F- Julius Thomas
G- Dominic Waters
G- Jeremiah Dominguez


Blake Walker? Will Funn? Anthony Lackey? Others?
BroadwayVik said:
I would like to suggest perhaps:

Portland State Vikings All-time

First Team

C- Scott Morrison
F- Jason Hartman
F- Julius Thomas
G- Dominic Waters
G- Jeremiah Dominguez


Wow! What a great topic and a great list! Just off the top of my head, how about Seamus Boxley, Deonte Huff, Chehalis Tapscott, Phil Nelson, and of course, Freeman Williams to name just a few to the mix!

Blake Walker? Will Funn? Anthony Lackey? Others?
BroadwayVik said:
I would like to suggest perhaps:

Portland State Vikings All-time

First Team

C- Scott Morrison
F- Jason Hartman
F- Julius Thomas
G- Dominic Waters
G- Jeremiah Dominguez


Blake Walker? Will Funn? Anthony Lackey? Others?

If you're doing just the Big Sky years, that is fine. If you're doing all time, the list has to start with Freeman Williams.
Okay, Freeman Williams. Right. Okay, instead of cursing the darkness, try lighting up a light. Don't be dour.

Rather, what does YOUR list look like? That's how we hopefully make this some fun. I just put in a plausible set to get the ball rolling and then asked everyone what their various teams would look like. You're right, I completely forgot about Freeman Williams. So, that's your contribution.

Now we're all curious to see your top 5. Would you mind showing us your list? Really hoping to hear about more players from before the modern era so we can make an All-time First, Second and Third Team set we can all argue over and discuss.

First Team

PG--Jeremiah Dominguez
SG---Freeman Williams
SF---Ime Udoka
PF---Julius Thomas
C---Scott Morrison

Still working on 2nd and 3rd team.
bigskyconf said:
First Team

PG--Jeremiah Dominguez
SG---Freeman Williams
SF---Ime Udoka
PF---Julius Thomas
C---Scott Morrison

Still working on 2nd and 3rd team.

After some thought my 1st team is exactly as yours, with exception of Seamus Boxley as my power forward, replacing Thomas. Likewise, still thinking about the 2nd and 3rd team.
So I went with two different lineups for my first team. Something that we'd have seen about ten years ago versus a lineup that we'd probably see today.

Traditional First Team Lineup:
PG – Will Funn
SG – Freeman Williams
SF – Ime Udoka
PF – Seamus Boxley
C – Scott Morrison

Small First Team Lineup:
G – Will Funn
G – Jeremiah Dominguez
G – Dominic Waters
F – Freeman Williams
F - Seamus Boxley

I can't believe that I snubbed JD on the traditional first team, but Will Funn was one of true point guards that I've ever seen. Game tied with 15 seconds to go, and I'll take JD in a heartbeat because he'll find a way to win the game. However, I'll take Funn for 35 minutes night in and night out at the point. I need to work on my second team. It's hard with folks that I didn't get a chance to see play. Freeman's stats are insanity, so it's easy to pick him, but I would have loved to have seen someone like Terry Adolph play so that I can factor him in.
This is a good idea. Great way to recall and research. This is what I came up with.


PG--Jeremiah Dominguez
SG--Freeman Williams
SF--Ime Udoka
PF---Seamus Boxley
c--Scott Morrison


PG--Will Funn
SG---Dominic Waters
SF---Phil Nelson
PF---Julius Thomas
C---John Nelson


PG--Willie Stoudamire
SG---Paul Poetsche
SF---Derek Neslund
PF---Tyrell Mara
C---Bill Wilkinson

Coach: Sharkey Nelson
This is a good listing. Guess we should include head coaches too. I don't recall any other centers other than Scott Morrison. We had a pretty good 6-9 center when the program was resurrected, although I'm at a loss to recall his name.

I suppose my First Team head coach would be Ken Bone, Second Ritchie McKay and then Sharkey Nelson for Third.

BTW, who was the guy who played with Derek Nesland? Townsend? Townes? He was quite good.
BroadwayVik said:
BTW, who was the guy who played with Derek Nesland? Townsend? Townes? He was quite good.

I think his name was Brian Towne. Also, Jason Hartman was the center on that team.

After Morrison, I went with two PSU Hall of Famers at the center.
Coach: Ken Bone
C---Scott Morrison
PF--Jason Hartman
SF--Ime Udoka
PG--Jeremiah Dominguez
SG--Freeman Williams

Coach: Heath Schroyer
C---Anthony Washington
PF--Chehales Tapscott
SF--Phil Nelson
PG--Seamus Boxley
SG--Dominic Waters

Coach: Sharkey Nelson
C---Nguye "Bob" Kaladokubo
PF--Anthony Lackey
SF--Antone Jarrell
PG--Will Funn
SG--Blake Walker

Chehales Tapscott

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