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who thinks we need a new basketball coach for these guys


New member
I'm disappointed in coach gieving every player he has this year is talented and yet he only plays 7 freaking players and shouldn't seniority have a chance to play over guys that just got there .this is there last year so I think they should play not sit on the bench
I believe he, like NB, is a great recruiter. His best job would be with a high profile team as a recruiter and assistant, like Heath Schroyer accomplished at UNLV.
psufan2014 said:
and shouldn't seniority have a chance to play over guys that just got there

Not in my opinion. The players that play should be the players that put PSU in the best position to win games.

Player rotations/substitutions we can talk about all day long, but I really don't think that seniority should have anything to do with the rotations that we put out on the floor.
I think if PSU really want to be a player in the Big Sky…….win championships, I agree with PSUfan & BroadwayVik. A strong no nonsense coach from a winning program like a Gonzaga/St. Mary top assistant. I think Geving personality is more suited for recruiting JC. Freshmen recruits need trust and stability in a program. PSU Revolving door style top 5 one year, bottom 5 next year. Playing guys who have been committed to program sets an example for young guys, if I stay I will eventually play. Constantly recruiting over guys and not developing guys is a recipe for disaster in a low major program. BCat is the classic example, haven't played, basically no developed after 5 years, confidence has been destroyed by this staff.
Been saying this for a couple of years. The lack of results and success confirm that. I believe he owns the longest losing streak to UP since 1996.

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