weberskipc said:
EWU didn't waste much time retiring Stuckey's jersey last year on Altitude against Weber. Why doesn't Weber hire away some of EWU marketing dept., they have garnered National attention with their proposed red Eagle football field. I think they get it up in Cheney!
The only reason I would accept is (IF?) we are waiting for a new High Def video Jumbotron. I would rather wait another year or two to honor Harold, Willie, Motta, Abegglan(yes), Gill, Nembard, Boyette. IF there is a chance we get a new Jumbotron soon, and it meant we could turn out the lights at the DEC, and watch highlights of careers and have a video presentation as part of the ceremony, and really make it first class. I mean how great would it be to have Harold, Gill, and Abegglan honored maybe even the same night?, and relive the magic of '99-'00, and watch video of the North Carolina victory.
I'm going to try and give you the excuse the athletic department always gives...THIS IS NOT MY OPINION IN THE SLIGHTEST. But its what I've been told. They said, "Its too hard to equally honor all the teams. If a Men's team gets honored then a womens player should be and so on." At least thats the premise of their argument. I just think its like everything else...apathy and having to do something extra. If nothing else...TWO JERSEY'S should be retired: Wille and Motta. Its an absolute insult knowing the Willie died before the university he practically put on the map, would honor him by retiring at least his jersey, if not his number.
As for the worries its coming and the lighting, well...its an issue of bulbs and the type of lighting available at the Dee right now. It takes to long for the lights to come back on once they are turned off. Weber could upgrade, but there aren't funds available, at the moment, for such an upgrade. However, Weber does have spotlights. If you ever go to a P & W game you'll see them in action.
I don't understand why the music is so bad. The game is only one facet for the fans, granted the most important and the whole reason for going, but there are a lot of other elements that "set the mood" and make a game more fun and exciting. I think a number of things need to be happening on a consistent basis at home games which will make the venue a more attractive and enticing atmosphere for basketball and Weber fans.
1. Better DJing... Keep the crowd in the game during timeouts. Also have Cat growls when the teams runs onto the floor, especially after half-time (need music for the start of the second half also). ORGANIZATION between the announcer, cheerleaders/dancers, and band for this to be successful. Which shouldn't be a hard thing to do.
2. Bigger/louder Student Section. Who know the cheers and help keep the Dee a formidable venue for opposing teams. STUDENT LEADERS are the ones who need to make this happen. Until they take the initiative it wont ever grow. Gotta make it into the thing to do as a Wildcat.
3. Put the Band in a better location and play good basketball games songs. In the 90s the band was awesome. They played the rocky theme, final countdown, the blues brothers song, and a number of other songs (Tequilla) that kept the crowd going.
4. Jumbo-tron, lighting, spotlights, the things being mentioned in this thread.
5. Promotionals
6. Fun Crowd Participation games...They are doing alright with this one, but could get a couple more.
7. More Waldo: crowd surfing, doing crazy things, really getting the crowd into the games (NOISE SIGN & Flag).
8. Half-times: Definitely a marked improvement from a couple years ago.
Fans will come back if the school creates an atmospher that entices and attractive potential fans. The team will do their job now the school and administration needs to back the team by doing more.