SWeberCat02 said:
Man, compare these clowns to Damian, Scotty, and Mook and it sure makes you proud to be a Wildcat.
So how do you think Mook would've reacted to some drunk, stoned white guy calling him the n word and then jumping him from behind? Would he have said "Excuse me good sir, I kindly ask you to leave me alone.
Yeah, because as we know your program is full of angels who never get worked up over something right? Us GOOD...them BAAAD... right? :roll:
Here's what was posted on eGriz about what happened:
"So DeShields pled innocent. Cherry has court next week. From what I'm reading/hearing, some 34 year old guy "attacked" Cherry from behind. Cherry defended himself and then a skirmish broke out. Cops came. Cherry was pissed and didn't listen. Got himself tazed and arrested. DeShields decided it would be fun to hollar in the street and got himself arrested. Both could easily get all charges dropped as they weren't the instigators or both could plead guilty as disorderly conduct is nothing. I'm guessing they will dismiss resisting arrest on Cherry because it was the heat of the moment and he didn't try to fight the cops.
The issue with downtown Missoula is when you have ignorant (I'm gonna say it) white people and then bring alcohol and other drugs into the equation you have a recipe for disaster. I've seen it first hand and I'm honestly amazed there aren't more instances of large fights breaking out downtown."
Yeah, I'll admit Deshields has a mouth on him...as does Bamforth, as does Mook...and ya know what? I respect the hell out of Bamforth and Mook...both great players and a little trash talking is all part of the game. To label both Cherry and DeShields as "clowns" like they were the cause of the above situation is pretty damn foolish and shows a clear bias of the "US GOOD THEM BAD" mentality that many sports fans seem to have...
So again, how would Mook have reacted in the above situation? Would he he have been calm or would he have acted the way he did when Deshields ran his mouth at the game a few months ago? In fact, if YOU were in the situation where some drunk stoned racist asshole jumped YOU from behind, how would you react?
Yeah, Cherry shouldn't have told the cops "fuck you" or whatever he said to them, but FFS people, when you get jumped by some racist asshole like that, tempers are going to be running pretty damn high and logic isn't going to win the battle in your brain most of the time.