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Reese Court/Charming Arenas


Active member
Some nice comments on this blog about Reese Court and its fans. This is a nice blog about college basketball on the west coast and worth reading all the time.

http://crawscorner.blogspot.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;
The guy lost me when he said this

"1. Utah State-- The best basketball arena in the country, PERIOD. The place just rocks and without question the best student section. The fans know the game, respect the opponent and it is an atmosphere second to none."

This guy has obviously never been to a Utah State home game, The Faggie faithful do everything BUT respect the opponent, the only thing they do to the opponent is call them names and throw stuff like batteries and plastic bottles at them. Utah State's student are by far the worst fanbase in the country.

Dont believe me ask Montana State fans, or any current WAC teams
Number one this is a message board about and for the Eastern Washington Eagles.

The person who writes the blog that was referenced here appears to be quite knowledgeable about west coast basketball and very entertaining and so what if you have a difference of opinion with his choice of charming arenas. They gave Reese Court a good shout out.

In addition, the person is always very complimentary of Eastern Washington basketball and their fans, so perhaps you should leave a comment on that blog and keep this message board on point in my opinion.

Anyone who is knowledgeable about basketball and mentions the Eagles in a mostly positive light, will continue to have me as a reader. Positive publicity for the Eagles by an astute college basketball writer is great to see and much needed.
nwhoops44 said:
Number one this is a message board about and for the Eastern Washington Eagles.

The person who writes the blog that was referenced here appears to be quite knowledgeable about west coast basketball and very entertaining and so what if you have a difference of opinion with his choice of charming arenas. They gave Reese Court a good shout out.

In addition, the person is always very complimentary of Eastern Washington basketball and their fans, so perhaps you should leave a comment on that blog and keep this message board on point in my opinion.

Anyone who is knowledgeable about basketball and mentions the Eagles in a mostly positive light, will continue to have me as a reader. Positive publicity for the Eagles by an astute college basketball writer is great to see and much needed.

nwhoops44 said:
Number one this is a message board about and for the Eastern Washington Eagles.

The person who writes the blog that was referenced here appears to be quite knowledgeable about west coast basketball and very entertaining and so what if you have a difference of opinion with his choice of charming arenas. They gave Reese Court a good shout out.

In addition, the person is always very complimentary of Eastern Washington basketball and their fans, so perhaps you should leave a comment on that blog and keep this message board on point in my opinion.

Anyone who is knowledgeable about basketball and mentions the Eagles in a mostly positive light, will continue to have me as a reader. Positive publicity for the Eagles by an astute college basketball writer is great to see and much needed.

Number 1. I can see that when I click on the Eastern Washington Eagle at the bottom of the screen

Number 2. I never said the Spectrum or Reese Court werent charming arenas all I said was how wrong the guy was saying USU's students "RESPECT" thier opponents. Cause they DONT, they are actually quite HOSTILE.

Number 3. I was only trying to make conversation with other fans, and other fans from other schools are quite welcoming of conversations (-egriz) unless its an attack against thier schools,(which if you know me its not something I do) but apparently that is illegal on this forum. So Im sorry.

Number 4. Publicity is always good for your school, and its always great when you can get it, but I never attacked EWU so Im still wondering why I was attacked.

Sorry for being a Weber State fan on this, a message board about and for the Eastern Washington Eagles, I'll keep that in mind the next time the thought passes into my head to come on here and try to start a conversation again.

My last comment on this subject cause I do not wish to bore people. I am sorry you feel like you were "attacked", because you were NOT. I like others on this great message board, were only responding to your post and taking a different view.

My only personal objection was to your use of the word, "faggie". You could have made your point without saying that. You were not attacked and least from my standpoint will never be.

But to challenge what you say, is part of what this is all about, as long as it is respectful, which is just what I for one did.

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