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11 Years


Active member
It's been 11 years since we joined the Big Sky. What have you accomplished in our 11 years in the Big Sky? What have we brought to the Big Sky? Have we brought more tto the Big Sky than Sac St?
MaxViking said:
It's been 11 years since we joined the Big Sky. What have you accomplished in our 11 years in the Big Sky? What have we brought to the Big Sky? Have we brought more tto the Big Sky than Sac St?

In Basketball, We have had our shameful years like 2002 but have had great years like 2004, We have not come into the conference and and been successful year in and year out but we have gradually gotten better and at least stayed average. I think things will drastically change after in the 08-09 season.
I think PSU has done fairly well. You have to keep in mind the non-glamour sports where PSU has been consistently good (volleyball, soccer, softball). It would be nice to have a few more titles to show for the effort, but PSU hasn't been consistently bad in very many sports.
PSUVikings said:
MaxViking said:
I think things will drastically change after in the 08-09 season.

I agree that next year will be a big year in both football and men's basketball (I know less about the other sports than these two) will probably be breakout years, but i still have high hopes for this year in football.

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