The days of following me into battle are over. :thumb: :thumb: You and Edubalum would be able to take me into battle, with these bad knees. Growing "OLD" is a "B", excuse my language.Edubalum, the back is doing great now, thank "GOD" and my Herbs for that. No, not the type that most people smokes.
:lol: :lol:
I have been noticing a Recruit TE at practices, #82 Jake Withell(sp), he really looks great in practice, he is from Oregon. I saw the OL player Derek Westin,from UW working yesterday, he is coming along very well.
#59 Jordan Ellisen From Tulitin Oregon,(sp) he too looks great. I saw all of the OL doing the rope course, all of them are very fast going through the squares, very argile on their feet.
Spoke to Renard Williams on Wednesday, told him he and his defense played their A---s off, he said "yes sir" we will come out ready for the NAU game, we are taking each game one at a time. FYI, Zach Johnson will not travel with the team to NAU, because of the prior Blood Clot. He will try to make it to one of the three areas that is televising the game. Kauf had the surgery on his hand on Monday.Got an email from Jase Butorac Dad yesterday, Jase OL #75, had his surgery on Thursday, he is doing great, and will be back on Saturday. Have a great weekend. Here is hoping for a "VICTORY" on Saturday :thumb: :thumb: :thumb: :clap: :clap: :clap: . Go Eags. Vic Wallace