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1st half.


Active member
Freaking ass great job by the Bengal defense. AJ Storms is a man amongst kids.

Kyle Blum, deer in the headlights. No excuses gang, it is what it is.
yep, the defense is kicking it, too bad they are always in bad field position. Not sure, running Clint into the line is working on offense, however.
They are trying to protect Blum's confidence and run out the clock. It isn't fun, but I understand it.
When is Zamberlin going to wake up and try running someone else to see if THEY can't get thru the ASU line? Knickrehm surely can't and ASU caught onto the secret shovel pass play after the one that worked for a few yards. Blum is looking like Russel Hill did last year, too. Not even a glint of positive EXCEPT for AJ Storms.
The glimpse of confidence has to be the way the defense had played, considering the situations that they have been put in. The defense has played very well all things considered. They gave up 187 yards and less than 3.5 yards per carry. No doubt the defense will run out of steam in the second half, because they will be on the field at least another 20 minutes. Kyle will be fine in the BSC.

Blum may look like Hill last year with some of the picks, the difference would be the completion percentage and around 500 yards combined between the Boise and Idaho game.
bengalcub, I hate to be negative but the defensive secondary has been saved by the incompetence of the ASU offense. They are getting picked apart at will. Thankfully, their QB hasn't been sharp, their receivers are dropping balls, and the ofensive pass interference at the end of the half was a bonus for us. I like Storms alot but I think the secondary looks like it has the past two seasons. Gotta go - back to the TV. :)
Well... Another dismal performance by an unprepared begal football team, granted ASU fields a more talented team tonights game is a continuation of previous embarassing performances. Without a complete overhaul of the ISU football program tonights game is just a beginning towards another 1-11 season at best. I am all for change to better the team, but as our record would show from last season up until now i dont see any improvment. Lets make the change and return to our winning ways.

Go Bengals
If you would have told me that ISU would hold ASU to 400 yards, I would have been happy. I am impressed with the way that the defense played tonight, considering the difficult predicaments that the offense put them in.

I really did think that the Bengal offense would at least muster a couple hundred yards. But then again, I believe that the ISU offense will be fine by BSC play.

What I can't get over is the improvements that I did see on defense. Really, I mean it, they have really improved up front. I know it is early, but they forced ASU into five FG attempts--that was pretty cool. I knew they would be gassed in the second half and it showed. If ISU would have mustered 10-15 first downs, the defense would have yielded 300-350 yards.

The bad thing about today, with Oklahoma getting beat, they are going to try and score 100 points against ISU next week. ISU will be going into a hornets nest.

Stay health and get ready for BSC play.
Cub it right. I saw much improvement on defense. ASU did drop some balls but we played well against a much better team. Hill was the better qb tonight. Our O line was out matched and that surprised me.
I believe the defense played a much better game tonight. They did a decent job against the run, and played well against pass as well. Yes there were some break downs, there always will be when you play a PAC 10 team, but over all a good performance. The team should be commended for there play on the defensive side of the ball.

On offense, I got what I expected other than Knickrelm thinking he is fast enough to sit back and look for openings. Get going boy, the linebackers on a PAC 10 team run way to fast to think your going to have time for looking around. There is more to playing QB than throwing the ball a long ways and running around back there. The first and foremost thing the QB has to be able to do is make the pre-snap reads which tell him which recieve is most likely to be open and where to look for the rush from. What you saw from Blum is a guy who does not make good reads, thus he throws the ball late, cannot get the ball off to the the hot read on time because he has to wait for the kid to come into his view before throwing. He needs to know who is hot before the ball is snapped and throw the ball based on his read. Thus the reason Hill looked sharper than Blum. Hill makes his read and throws the ball according to that read. Will this make you perfect every time, no it will not. What is does is give you an opportunity to control the ball and move it down the field against tough competion. While I have not watched as many practices this year as usual, I have attended some. Blum played the same in the game as I have seen in practice; inconsistent reads, poor decisions, missed recievers. Hill played the same too; consistent reads, for the most part good decisions, accurate as always. Hill outplayed Blum all through practice and again last night. As a friend of mine told me; ."'It is east to be number two, lets see how he handles number one now." I believe we have our answer.
bengalalum79 said:
Well... Another dismal performance by an unprepared begal football team, granted ASU fields a more talented team tonights game is a continuation of previous embarassing performances. Without a complete overhaul of the ISU football program tonights game is just a beginning towards another 1-11 season at best. I am all for change to better the team, but as our record would show from last season up until now i dont see any improvment. Lets make the change and return to our winning ways.

Go Bengals

Give the boys a break. The D played better than expected. Three interceptions didn't help us at all, and the ASU D took care of the rest. If you look at the results this morning from the other "paycheck" games our final was not out of line. Look what happened to San Jose, Portland, and others.

I think the Bengals showed some promise and look forward to watching them battle more closely matched teams within their own conference. Now, Oklahoma stands in the way of that (and after losing to BYU they will be FIRED UP) -- keep praying for miracles!
wow - bengal alum 79 wants a coaching change - after one game against a better opponent... the 'fire the coach' bandwagon sure started early. way to support the program alum 79. you called for a coaching change with what - your second or third post? thats the old school spirit :lol:
Agreed. Mr. 79, I think it's just the first game of the season. Look, I don't like losing, but you DO realize this is ASU's best defensive unit since the 1990's, right?

50-3 is a mistake. The actual score should be 29-3 considering how well the D held up all day. I'm pleased. Now the Sooners, hahaha...they are going to be PISSED! Only things that benefit us are:

-A Rookie QB
-An Offensive line that is green
-Coach Stoops' near-catastrophic lapse in playcalling

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