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2009 Baseball Schedule


Active member
I tend to follow baseball more closely, and I noticed the 2009 schedule was just released. I'm surprised to see that finally the schedule is released when it should be. Among the opponents that should be interesting match ups:

Tulane (Always a good bet to be in the NCAA regionals every year)
Nebraska (Haven't fared well against the Huskers reccently, see if that can change)
Kansas ( Bears 3-2 vs. Jayhawks last 3 years)
New Mexico & UNLV (Usually top tier Mountain West teams every year)

Among other things I noticed a few more home games this year, a change from years past. Should be easier for the student-athletes to not have to worry about playing 20-25 straight on the road.
Those 3 single games agianst Air Force look really strange on the schedule.
So is baseball ever going to get into a conference or what?

How come they never bring big name colleges here to play? They could generate some money from that.
Bearsfan24 said:
So is baseball ever going to get into a conference or what?

How come they never bring big name colleges here to play? They could generate some money from that.

Even if they brought in a big college, I doubt it would generate any money. Does anyone go to the baseball games?
Brian said:
Bearsfan24 said:
So is baseball ever going to get into a conference or what?

How come they never bring big name colleges here to play? They could generate some money from that.

Even if they brought in a big college, I doubt it would generate any money. Does anyone go to the baseball games?

I have heard that there is a new conference that may be forming with the Independents that currently aren't in the conference. To answer the other question about the big colleges coming to Greeley: First, the facilities are in need of a major upgrade. The visitor dugout is similar to the likes of a little league field, and its a hassle for big teams with over 40 guys on the roster to have to jam into that area. Second: There were some "big" schools that made it out to Greeley. Washington State made a trip a couple years ago. Also, defending champs Oregon State were slated to come out in 07, but they backed out at the last minute. Nebraska also gave thought coming to Greeley, but I believe the facilities prevented that from happening.

Lastly, as sad as it sounds, the reason for the extensive road trips in years past relates to the financial situation. Going to Nebraska, Arkansas, Kansas, Arizona, Texas A&M, and Arizona State helps out with the basbeball and athletics budget's bottom line more so than having the schools come out to Greeley.

Hope that answers some questions.
Brian said:
Bearsfan24 said:
So is baseball ever going to get into a conference or what?

How come they never bring big name colleges here to play? They could generate some money from that.

Even if they brought in a big college, I doubt it would generate any money. Does anyone go to the baseball games?

I know plenty of people that would go if they brought in some big names. Just like when wrestling brought in Minnesota, place was packed, and not too many going to watch wrestling either.

Anyway I saw where UNC got a commit from Tyler Wallace from Eaton, dude is a stud.
There is a new conference that will begin in 2010, the name will be familiar, The Great West Conference. The baseball schools off the top of my head are Utah Valley, Houston Baptist, Texas Pan America, North Dakota, New Jersey Tech, and Chicago State. Not sure is Seattle U plays baseball but they are in the conference as well as South Dakota who dropped baseball.

I would hope we would join, we play all the teams anyway so why not still do that but schedule better.

I have a funny feeling we'll remain indenpendant and continue to do the barnstorming thing across the southern states playing 90% of our games on the road. I'm sure they'll say it's better to play Arkansas and such on the road than to have some home games and maybe that's the finances of it but I know it hurts the support when they are never in Greeley.
That's weird. New Jersey, Chicago, and even Houston. Aren't those school at little too far east to be in a great west? How would that work out?
Let's talk about adding some lights, then maybe we can discuss the bigger programs coming in...However, given the budget constraints, yes, the games at UNL, Arkansas, et al, are keeping the program alive.
bearsradio said:
Let's talk about adding some lights, then maybe we can discuss the bigger programs coming in...However, given the budget constraints, yes, the games at UNL, Arkansas, et al, are keeping the program alive.

How many night games could they play without it being too cold? Seems like they always get some games postponed every year due to snow.
Brian said:
How many night games could they play without it being too cold?

I don't know that there's "too cold"...I've done games in warmer climes were fans in March have been bundled up pretty heavily...A mid-March night in Wichita still ranks as a classic: a fan walked by our booth sporting a ski mask.

My point is that night games would help attendance and raise the likelihood of bringing in better opponents.
They also have yet to light Nottingham, I think night games would help attendace, but they dont seem to be able to scrap together the funding...
GoBears said:
They also have yet to light Nottingham, I think night games would help attendace, but they dont seem to be able to scrap together the funding...

I thought the issue with lighting Nottingham had to do with the neighborhood surrounding the stadium (opposition to lighting the field).
Brian said:
GoBears said:
They also have yet to light Nottingham, I think night games would help attendace, but they dont seem to be able to scrap together the funding...

I thought the issue with lighting Nottingham had to do with the neighborhood surrounding the stadium (opposition to lighting the field).

That (besides money) could be the issue at Jackson also. I'm sure at some point, the city has some say in where the University can, or can't, put lighting. I'm thinking about becoming a Bears Baseball fan, Lord knows I can't stomach the Rocks any longer.
Then again, since the Monforts make all the decisions for both the University, and the Rockies, will we be mired in mediocrity forever? :)
Brian said:
GoBears said:
They also have yet to light Nottingham, I think night games would help attendace, but they dont seem to be able to scrap together the funding...

I thought the issue with lighting Nottingham had to do with the neighborhood surrounding the stadium (opposition to lighting the field).

From my recollection, plans for lights at Jackson were in place about 3-4 years ago, even before the soccer facilities. THe lights were to be funded by the town I believe, as part of the deal if the Grays could access the field in the summertime. However, I am not 100% sure, but I think the University backed out on it.
anon22, if the deal hinged on the Grays, then the reason the university backed out is because the Grays never paid what was owed to use the Bears stadium. Not sure if they've ever paid to use U-High's field but then again both are run by the Roches' so probably not a problem.
Lights were in the plans for the improvements to be made with the Facilities Project passed by the students when the school learned it was joining the Big Sky. There were drawings online that even showed lights and improved dugouts at the baseball field.

After the referendum was passed, those mysteriously went away. Everything else was done (practice fields, soccer stadium, etc.) but baseball got the shaft.

It has nothing to do with the Greys. Maybe it had something to do with the neighborhood, but my guess is it had to do with the administration trying to spend the minimum on baseball.

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