I am looking forward to seeing James play a lot tonight. This is the perfect game for him to make his first appearance. Our bigs should have their way tonight. Heck, our whole team should have their way. Fuller and Hill should have big games tonight. I expect us to put up 90 to 110 points on the evening. We should run and pressure the whole night long. They are going to be hacking us at every turn, so why expose the starters to a ton of minutes to that kind of thing? Get them in to get their rhythm and then get them out. Try out a few zones. I don't think they have great shooters. Try out a couple of presses. I don't think they have great ball handlers. Get out in transition. I don't think they have great athletes.
This is a game that will be a lot like, maybe just better than, Kathy's School of Cosmetology.