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An honest question for Troy (KFKA)


Staff member
Does one magical year of basketball make up for the tens of thousands of miles traveled covering the football team (and some really bad basketball ones)?

I ask, because as a UNC alum and a sports fan, I just couldn't imagine spending more than 4 hours a week on game days plus a couple of hours on the message boards and coaches show. I already feel like I am in it more than I should be.

You actually have to research and prepare, travel, be tech guru and then do interviews where you can't be too harsh or you have no more show.

Anyway, I applaud what you do and your moment of honesty in the 1st quarter "TOO DAMN EASY" made me smile in a season where we probably won't have much to smile about. :thumb:
Brian, its not about any of those things being "worth it". Its "worth it" to be doing what I love to do. The prep, the studying, the research time, and, yes, even the tech work is all part of it. Just as getting up at 3am was something I had to do to be able to get to do what I enjoy most in my career.

Am I fully where I wanted to be 20 years ago? Not quite. I had hoped to at least be covering a Double A or Triple A baseball team by now, if not MLB. However, I'm one of 300-some football & basketball pbp men covering a D1 school. That's a small club, and is nothing to be sneeze at.

I wish there was more security to it, but I've never expected that there would be. These positions are based on other people's perceptions of your work. Completely subjective, like player personnel stuff is, actually.

Luckily, I married well. Monica met me during the days I was covering as many as 8 basketball or 3 football games a week at the HS & Juco levels. And she's still as supportive as ever after 15 years.

As for the interview point, I'm glad someone here gets what I have to weigh each time I conduct one. Others apparently think my job is to be the reporter who digs deep. That's not in the job duties. Serving as a salesman of UNC, the athletic department and its teams is. Just as it is at in any of these jobs. Even those covering for the major networks are selling the respective leagues, not so much specific teams. You do have to walk a fine line...
It is obvious that you really enjoy what you do.
The fine line that you, and at times, we all need to walk is understood.
The commendable word for you is that you are able to do your job (it has to be interesting sometimes) with integrity.
I know that I have posted this before, but thank you.
mountainbear said:
It is obvious that you really enjoy what you do.
The fine line that you, and at times, we all need to walk is understood.
The commendable word for you is that you are able to do your job (it has to be interesting sometimes) with integrity.
I know that I have posted this before, but thank you.

Ditto. As a big baseball fan (have tickets to home game one for the Nats in the LDS) I admire your career ambitions and wish you the best of luck.

As it relates to this coaches show, I would like to know the coaches take on the 2nd half performance by Montana's offense. It seemed like they kicked it into a 2nd gear and we could not keep up. Not sure if it was because of half time adjustments or we just got worn out but it was not pretty on the Bears side of things.
Thanks again.
If you could ask a question regarding loyalty
I don't know if you can it add a listener question, but I an curious as to loyalty at this time.
Are we loyal to a failing program, a failing staff, or to our school?
Can I trust you had a whole lot more
Meaning when trust was reciprocal
As an alumni I am loyal to our
And our players.....am I wrong?
At what point is blind loyalty foolish?
mountainbear said:
Thanks again.
If you could ask a question regarding loyalty
I don't know if you can it add a listener question, but I an curious as to loyalty at this time.
Are we loyal to a failing program, a failing staff, or to our school?
Can I trust you had a whole lot more
Meaning when trust was reciprocal
As an alumni I am loyal to our
And our players.....am I wrong?
At what point is blind loyalty foolish?

Funny you bring that up. Troy mentioned, towards the end of the game, about the number of Montana fans at the game and how it's up to UNC fans to fill the stadium to keep them out and that losing is not an excuse (falling back on painful memories of Nebraska fans invading K-State, I think it was).
While I agree, that you support your team, win or lose, there has to be a point where enough is enough (or is there?).
There is a limited amount of time people can spend for entertainment and a limited amount of money. You ask people to come and spend 4 or 5 hours depending on travel time spend $20-$40 a person (depending on if they buy a beer and a hot dog) to watch a team lose and lose badly game after game after game.

Is it worth the entertainment dollar? Hell no. But for those that have an emotional attachment to UNC sports we still watch and go to games (at least I would if I lived closer). At some point, that emotional attachment won't be enough and I think this season is the breaking point for most.

That's partially why I lead off the Cal Poly game thread with that who cares picture. It's getting to that point.
Brian I'm new to this forum, but not to UNC my son is on the football team and has been since he was a freshmen and quite frankly my loyalty ends the moment he graduates and is no longer on the team.

In my opinion, which doesn't mean much, they lose primarily due to coaching not because of talent Saturdays game was a prime example of that. If UNC can build/develop a program, which starts by hiring the right coaching staff, but wait, who is hiring these coaches has to also be in question; but my point is this, a strong program despite a connection you know, being an alumni, or having a kid on the team a strong program will put fans in the seats it will create loyalty because everyone loves a winner.

Granted, if you are a fan you are a fan win or lose, but UNC needs to create some fans and how do you do that, "WIN"!
Santos2500 said:
Brian I'm new to this forum, but not to UNC my son is on the football team and has been since he was a freshmen and quite frankly my loyalty ends the moment he graduates and is no longer on the team.

In my opinion, which doesn't mean much, they lose primarily due to coaching not because of talent Saturdays game was a prime example of that. If UNC can build/develop a program, which starts by hiring the right coaching staff, but wait, who is hiring these coaches has to also be in question; but my point is this, a strong program despite a connection you know, being an alumni, or having a kid on the team a strong program will put fans in the seats it will create loyalty because everyone loves a winner.

Granted, if you are a fan you are a fan win or lose, but UNC needs to create some fans and how do you do that, "WIN"!
But your opinion does matter Santos ! At least to us frustrated loyal fans. Kudos to your and your son for being Bears and you said nothing that we all don't already know , but disheartening to hear you say your loyalty will be over. Dam I hate to hear that shit. I hope the powers that be are reading all this frustration and I mean someone above our AD who might need to go also. I think we are all ready to see some housecleaning ! :(
Santos2500 said:
Brian I'm new to this forum, but not to UNC my son is on the football team and has been since he was a freshmen and quite frankly my loyalty ends the moment he graduates and is no longer on the team.

In my opinion, which doesn't mean much, they lose primarily due to coaching not because of talent Saturdays game was a prime example of that. If UNC can build/develop a program, which starts by hiring the right coaching staff, but wait, who is hiring these coaches has to also be in question; but my point is this, a strong program despite a connection you know, being an alumni, or having a kid on the team a strong program will put fans in the seats it will create loyalty because everyone loves a winner.

Granted, if you are a fan you are a fan win or lose, but UNC needs to create some fans and how do you do that, "WIN"!

Please do share why your son hates this coaching staff. Who is your son?
Beardown said:
Please do share why your son hates this coaching staff. Who is your son?

Come on Beardown, he certainly can't answer the 2nd question, plus I don't want this thread to turn into a Collins bashing session (we have one in the football forum for that).

I think it's sad that things are to the point where we have parents of players who are eager to not have to support UNC once their kid leaves the school. That is a really low point.
Interesting that you would ask me who my son is, not a chance!!

Let me just say I’m happy that UNC gave my son this opportunity that they’ve allowed him a chance to pursue a college degree. Football was, or is just a tool the means by which he will be able to accomplish his goals, learn a few things and have, we hope, a productive life.

Would I like to see him on a winning team in a stronger program absolutely, but maybe the next phase of his life will bring him more success than his stent with the Bears. Coach Collins and his staff are, in my opinion, in over their head I believe he, as well as the previous coaching staff just “underestimated” the competiveness of the BigSky and its players and coaches.

Until coach Collins is ready to compete I mean wit for wit, strategy for strategy with the other coaches in the conference Saturday’s outcome is what we can expect. But so you know neither me nor my son have hard feelings, life is tough and if losing football game is the worst it gets, we're in good shape :thumb:
Santos2500 said:
Interesting that you would ask me who my son is, not a chance!!

Let me just say I’m happy that UNC gave my son this opportunity that they’ve allowed him a chance to pursue a college degree. Football was, or is just a tool the means by which he will be able to accomplish his goals, learn a few things and have, we hope, a productive life.

Would I like to see him on a winning team in a stronger program absolutely, but maybe the next phase of his life will bring him more success than his stent with the Bears. Coach Collins and his staff are, in my opinion, in over their head I believe he, as well as the previous coaching staff just “underestimated” the competiveness of the BigSky and its players and coaches.

Until coach Collins is ready to compete I mean wit for wit, strategy for strategy with the other coaches in the conference Saturday’s outcome is what we can expect. But so you know neither me nor my son have hard feelings, life is tough and if losing football game is the worst it gets, we're in good shape :thumb:

I'm going to assume your son is on scholarship or at least a partial scholarship. If not, forgive my rant. I don't think you are grateful at all. In fact you and your son are selfish SOB's. Other wise you would be loyal to the school that gave your son a free education. That's why I don't feel sorry for a lot of these players becaues many, like Santo's kid will graduate in four years and forget about UNC.
Man, I work for a non-profit business that tries to help disadvantage high school kids find a way to go to college. They've got the brains and the attitude to make it happen but sometimes that's not enough and we see lots of kids not be able to get into a nice 4 year school like UNC. You and your son are everything that is wrong with this country. Give me, give me, give me. Some day we will meet and if so, I want my blue and gold money back from you. The Blue and Gold money that helped pay your sons scholarship. Obviously he's spoiled and so are you.
On the note of coach Collins. How can you believe he overstimated what the Big Sky teams bring? The man could have stayed at Alcorn, made more money and been happy. But no, he Knows the Big Sky is the best FCS conference in the country. Besides, you forgot to tell me why your son hates Collins so much. Btw, GFY.
Beardown said:
Santos2500 said:
Interesting that you would ask me who my son is, not a chance!!

Let me just say I’m happy that UNC gave my son this opportunity that they’ve allowed him a chance to pursue a college degree. Football was, or is just a tool the means by which he will be able to accomplish his goals, learn a few things and have, we hope, a productive life.

Would I like to see him on a winning team in a stronger program absolutely, but maybe the next phase of his life will bring him more success than his stent with the Bears. Coach Collins and his staff are, in my opinion, in over their head I believe he, as well as the previous coaching staff just “underestimated” the competiveness of the BigSky and its players and coaches.

Until coach Collins is ready to compete I mean wit for wit, strategy for strategy with the other coaches in the conference Saturday’s outcome is what we can expect. But so you know neither me nor my son have hard feelings, life is tough and if losing football game is the worst it gets, we're in good shape :thumb:

I'm going to assume your son is on scholarship or at least a partial scholarship. If not, forgive my rant. I don't think you are grateful at all. In fact you and your son are selfish SOB's. Other wise you would be loyal to the school that gave your son a free education. That's why I don't feel sorry for a lot of these players becaues many, like Santo's kid will graduate in four years and forget about UNC.
Man, I work for a non-profit business that tries to help disadvantage high school kids find a way to go to college. They've got the brains and the attitude to make it happen but sometimes that's not enough and we see lots of kids not be able to get into a nice 4 year school like UNC. You and your son are everything that is wrong with this country. Give me, give me, give me. Some day we will meet and if so, I want my blue and gold money back from you. The Blue and Gold money that helped pay your sons scholarship. Obviously he's spoiled and so are you.
On the note of coach Collins. How can you believe he overstimated what the Big Sky teams bring? The man could have stayed at Alcorn, made more money and been happy. But no, he Knows the Big Sky is the best FCS conference in the country. Besides, you forgot to tell me why your son hates Collins so much. Btw, GFY.

This post is way out of line. Not sure how you can make such a personal judgement on someone on the basis of a few posts.
"Let me just say I’m happy that UNC gave my son this opportunity that they’ve allowed him a chance to pursue a college degree. Football was, or is just a tool the means by which he will be able to accomplish his goals, learn a few things and have, we hope, a productive life. "

That quote shows a lot of perspective IMHO.
The concept of loyalty is probably a new thread.
Interesting observations and judgments have been brought to light.
To whom or what are we loyal to here?
An institution? For giving a kid a chance to trade his skill in sport for an education?
A student athlete for giving his body in sport to be used by the institution?
A Coach who uses the institution and the student athlete to promote himself?
Blind loyalty is a bad thing.......it has taken us ( literally ) into unwinnable wars, compromising situations, and had never served to advanced the cause of good in the long run (IMO).
People soon forget the specific things they learn..........they always remember how people made them feel. It seems that this coach had fostered few fond memories for anyone. That will continue to be reflected in support, and continued lack of it.
Cut bait and run.
mountainbear said:
The concept of loyalty is probably a new thread.
Interesting observations and judgments have been brought to light.
To whom or what are we loyal to here?
An institution? For giving a kid a chance to trade his skill in sport for an education?
A student athlete for giving his body in sport to be used by the institution?
A Coach who uses the institution and the student athlete to promote himself?
Blind loyalty is a bad thing.......it has taken us ( literally ) into unwinnable wars, compromising situations, and had never served to advanced the cause of good in the long run (IMO).
People soon forget the specific things they learn..........they always remember how people made them feel. It seems that this coach had fostered few fond memories for anyone. That will continue to be reflected in support, and continued lack of it.
Cut bait and run.

Very well said. I agree 100%.
Beardown, you seem bitter..lol that’s too bad life is too short!

It’s real mature to attack a man and is family when you know nothing of them. I decided to post on this forum because I assumed this “one” would be full of adults, or should I say mature adults.….wrong again; another forum with over opinionate, egotistical people, wow! It was nice while it lasted, all of three days.

Oh and Beardown ask the AD and coaching staff for your money back they make the decisions not “YOU”!

Another disappointing forum!! :thumbdown: :clap:
Santos2500 said:
Beardown, you seem bitter..lol that’s too bad life is too short!

It’s real mature to attack a man and is family when you know nothing of them. I decided to post on this forum because I assumed this “one” would be full of adults, or should I say mature adults.….wrong again; another forum with over opinionate, egotistical people, wow! It was nice while it lasted, all of three days.

Oh and Beardown ask the AD and coaching staff for your money back they make the decisions not “YOU”!

Another disappointing forum!! :thumbdown: :clap:

Egotistical? I helped pay for your sons scholarship.
Santos2500 said:
Beardown, you seem bitter..lol that’s too bad life is too short!

It’s real mature to attack a man and is family when you know nothing of them. I decided to post on this forum because I assumed this “one” would be full of adults, or should I say mature adults.….wrong again; another forum with over opinionate, egotistical people, wow! It was nice while it lasted, all of three days.

Oh and Beardown ask the AD and coaching staff for your money back they make the decisions not “YOU”!

Another disappointing forum!! :thumbdown: :clap:

Another disappointing forum? Come on now. How many other UNC forums are there? The forums are what we make of it and people are free to speak their minds (within reason of course). While I don't agree with Beardown, he has been supporting UNC financially and emotionally long before your son even considered going to school here so he has earned quite a bit of leeway in his comments (IMHO).

If you think the discussions are not up to your standards of discourse, you are welcome to stick around and help raise the bar.
Santos2500 said:
Beardown, you seem bitter..lol that’s too bad life is too short!

It’s real mature to attack a man and is family when you know nothing of them. I decided to post on this forum because I assumed this “one” would be full of adults, or should I say mature adults.….wrong again; another forum with over opinionate, egotistical people, wow! It was nice while it lasted, all of three days.

Oh and Beardown ask the AD and coaching staff for your money back they make the decisions not “YOU”!

Another disappointing forum!! :thumbdown: :clap:

Your son didn't have to come to UNC. Cut just and run. Is that how you were raised? Were you taught by our parents to do that? Is that an example for your son? Take advantage of people's hard earned money. A free education. No ties. No loyalty. You're a perfect example of just about everything that's wrong with this country.
Brian's right in his post. Most of us disagree with a lot of stuff on this board. Hell, Klondike is a perfect example. I don't like just about anything he says on here, but he is clearly supporting the Bears financially and he has been loyal. That's a word you don't believe in. Shame on you.
Santos2500 said:
Would I like to see him on a winning team in a stronger program absolutely, but maybe the next phase of his life will bring him more success than his stent with the Bears.

So what your're saying is your son is unsuccessful playing football because the team is not winning?

Santos2500 said:
But so you know neither me nor my son have hard feelings, life is tough and if losing football game is the worst it gets, we're in good shape

Why would you or your son have hard feelings anyways when he is apart of the team? He chose UNC and he chose to stay at UNC. Your son is playing for a team at his talent level, he's obviously not talented enough to play for a stronger program or he would be already.

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