You couldn't have said it any better. We need EAA Members badly. I will be back busting my "BUTT" to get more Sholarship Monies for our Athletes. They are the "NATIONAL CHAMPIONS", they deserve all we can do, or even better. I am very proud of those Young Men and Coaches,as many of you are, they have put this University,Cheney, and the State Of Washington on the map. Now I am sure everyone that was interested of where EWU/Cheney is, now knows.
I agree with you. Today most of the Athletes are looking for big bucks. I am not saying that about Taiwan, if he is projected to go that high, I wouldn't blame him. I am with all of you hoping it is just Rumors. Taiwan needs to put on some more weight, and get healthy before he can think of going to the NFL. Most Athletes does this because they want to help their Parents/Families.
After this year, we will get some more outstanding Athletes to play for us. We have some very Outstanding ones in the wings waiting their turn to shine. They will shine as soon as the season gets going. I will wish any of our Athletes that go to the NFL, all the Best, and let them know we appreciate what they have done for all of us. Vic Wallace