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And the new AD is...


Active member

Checked out bio's and looks like some good possibilities.
We need someone who's able to put together capital development, and the guy from Fresno seems to fit the bill. That said, they'll probably hire the woman.

Welcome Tom Collins you'll have a good time here with challenges and big reward opportunities. It feels good for some odd reason...let's goooooooooooooo!!!

Just read Lynn Hickey's last letter to EWU fans thanking everyone for 5.5 years of support. Said the last two months were more difficult with the loss of her husband,...tuff stuff.
For those that care:

Dear Eagle Fans,

Today is my last day in the office as your Director of Athletics. I have been very blessed to have had the opportunity to be in the workforce for fifty years, with 44 of those in intercollegiate sports. I just wanted to send a brief note to thank all of you for your support of me, personally, and for your backing of Eagle Athletics. It has been an honor to be a part of Eagle Athletics during the past five and a half years and I will sorely miss all of you, our students, and our coaches and staff.

I know all of you will be very gracious and excited to meet the new Director of Athletics, pledging your support and continuing to show Eagle Pride. The department needs your support financially and your presence physically at all of our events. Goals have been set to increase the number of EAF members to 1,000 for this year and to raise one million dollars for EAF operations and scholarships. I am confident that with all Eagle fans and alumni pulling together that you will not only reach those goals, but exceed them. My hopes are that you will take the challenge to be part of the “Eagle Trifecta”: (1) donate to the EAF, (2) buy season tickets, (3) and pick a special project to be a part of.

As you help move the program, do not forget our department’s value words: Grit, Grace, and Gratitude. This program has a tradition of showing “Eagle Grit” and if sustained, that elevated level of resiliency will allow the program to stay in place and succeed no matter what obstacles present themselves. Please do not think of the word “Grace” as a word of weakness, but rather one of courage and support. Just as individuals need to give themselves grace and forgiveness, that also needs to occur for our competing athletes and coaches. They have consistently shown that they will put their all on the field/court of competition, but along with times of joy, there will be moments of defeat. Staying with the team and staff during those times will demonstrate if you are truly an EKG. Showing “Grace” also exemplifies how a true team works together and that all are working toward common goals. Lastly, “Gratitude” is the spirit and the attitude that will always keep the program staying positive and ready to celebrate even the smallest of accomplishments. But most importantly, having “Gratitude” will keep the program moving forward even in moments of defeat. Eagles, we have been blessed for a long time and I hope all will concentrate on what great people are in place in the program, and the lofty expectations they place on themselves. We can all be proud of the traditions that we have helped build.

The past two months have been exceedingly difficult for me due to the unexpected loss of my husband. I have been so thankful for the outreach of Eagle Nation to help my family get through this difficult time. My plans are to move back to Texas, closer to my daughter and son-in-law. I will be looking for any Eagle teams passing through Texas and will get there to proudly support them. For even though I have only been here a brief time, you all have helped make me an “Eagle for Life.”

In closing, keep wearing the red and white. Keep greeting each other with “Go Eags!” and stay a part of this wonderful program so that our student-athletes have an opportunity to get a college degree and represent EWU at the highest level by utilizing their God-given skills to participate in Big Sky competition.


Lynn Hickey

Athletic Director

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