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anyone know where I can see this years roster??


Active member
the website has nothing and I just want to see who is on the roster offically and who is not.

Also does anyone know when the website wil be up and running?
Good question. Hope it's soon.

When does practice start? We're about five or six weeks out from the start of the season...
They're allowed to practice 2 hours a week right now. The Viks are running 3 - 40 min. practices a week. The full meal deal starts October 8th.
you seen any of them playing yet?? I am getting pumped for the season. I heard the new recruit, conrad, is in for the weekend any sightings?
The person, in the athletic department, who decided that http://www.goviks.com needed an upgrade or new look is an idiot . The previous edition of goviks had everything that a vikings fan needed as far as schedules, rosters, news, etc. was concerned. All I have to say is good move moron.
The roster is fully functional on goviks.com now. The site even has pictures of the players, just like the old one. The new website is nice, however, the two months or whatever it took to have it up was insane.
yeah the new site looks pretty good. Any of you guys ever watch the games on the computer. I live out of the area and was thinking about purchasing the online version of the bball games but not sure if its worth it. Thanks
Maybe, maybe not. Hopefully the new channel 37 should give the Viks some good coverage. I heard bad things about the big sky tv basketball feeds last year.
jdhog45 said:
yeah the new site looks pretty good. Any of you guys ever watch the games on the computer. I live out of the area and was thinking about purchasing the online version of the bball games but not sure if its worth it. Thanks

Go over to eGriz and bring up Big Sky TV. They hate it more than their offensive coordinator. ;-)
Kyle Coston is taller than 6'8". I'd put him at 6'10" maybe. He's still skinny though, which means he'll stay probably stay outside for at least this season.
If Kyle is 6'10", the Scott Morrison is 7'3". Kyle is right around 6'8", maybe half and inch more, but definitely not 6'10"
I'm 6'-5", and Kyle isn't much taller than me. He's probably 6'-6 1/2". Depends whether it's with or without shoes on.

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