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Baseball loses 13-5 in finale

jjjj said:
Damn! Looks like Joe Sawicki is our only good pitcher; hopefully he doesn't get hurt.
Come on jjjj. Did you not read the box scores???? We had outstanding starting pitching for three of the four New Mexico games and had a legitimate chance to win each of those three. Quisenberry threw 6 shutout innings of five hit ball in the Friday opener, Sawicki coming off Tommy-John surgery gave up only two runs in 6 innings in the first game Saturday and Willman gave up only two runs in 7 2/3rds innings in the second game Saturday. This against the one of the top hitting teams in the country who had just won 2 of 3 from U of Texas.

It looks like we struggled on Sunday but that was with a freshman starting his first collegiate game so hopefully that was some first game nerves.

What it does appear we need is some solid relief pitching and as always a shutdown closer, but as far as starting pitching, we appear to be in good shape which should result in a lot of wins in the lesser competition of the Great West. This could be a fun year.

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