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Bengals Picked 7th, 8th in Big Sky Polls


Active member
Montana picked to win the league in both polls, which surprises me somewhat. I thought the media might actually lean toward Eastern Washington, at least:

I would be very pleased with this result and a top 5 finish in the sky. Add UND in the W column and ISU goes 5-7 = improvement.

vs MSU W
vs NAU L
vs Weber W
@ UM L
vs Sac W
It would be interesting to know what the voting media and coaches see as ISU's strengths and weaknesses for this season. I still have many questions regarding our defense and the play at QB and RB. Lossing Ryan Head is a hurt to our DBs and the pass rush concern is still unanswered. Coach Z did fill in some critical holes; the offensive line is significantly stronger in all respects, good shape at WR and TE positions, LBs very good, good DBs and more quality depth, but it is wait and see for the remaining positions. We could very easily go 4-8, 5-7, or 6-6; just wish we had a different schedule.
I am here to tell you guys.......we will not finish in the bottom half of the BSC. We recruited well compared this year compared to others in the Sky, we are matured at the QB spot and our team has really come together more this season than in the past.
Head was a contributor and will be missed, however, we are deeeeeeeep in the secondary and have players that will step in provide solid play.
Our OL will be one of the best in the Sky.
WR and TE are good and deep, again one of the best sets in the Sky.
LB's are deep and return experience. The DL perhaps could use another player but, what is equally important at those positions is DEPTH. You gotta be 1 and 2 deep solid at DL.
Hill's progression alone should be worth a few extra W's.
And why does everyone think we L against NAU?
Why shouldn't we beat NAU at The Holt?
Do you people really think we can't handle UofI??
I believe we need to make The Holt a place of true home field advantage. Let's fill it up and give the visiting teams something to contend with during the game, not to mention the firing up of our own team.
How much would that be worth in the W column?????
It is time for the supporters of Bengal football and the entire Southeast Idaho community and beyond to stand up and deliver just like Coach Zamberlin has delivered to us since his hire.
Let's start spreading the word. Don't anyone come to a game alone, bring a few people with you...that means you too Superfan!!! Whatever we gotta do to make it a disadvantage for the visiting teams to play here.
The way I see it, we are in a good position (as further expressed by the media & coaches poll)nobody has high expectations for us.....EXCEPT FOR OURSELVES.
I love the underdog and spoiler role.
Time to start laying the smack down and getting all the way behind the team.
Can you smell what I'm cookin'?
"your 'assurances' might carry more weight if you played on or coached the team" Spartan

Once again Spartan, you out of your mind..."we need to support the team no matter what. There is no way to support the team when you are complaining about everything...SPARTAN...You are boring this board to death with your mind numbing attitude. I get more excited deleting my spam emails...but when you continue to say negative remarks day in and day out you are.., AFFECTING THE TEAM!!!!! You should be rallying the community behind your team, letting them know how proud you are, and how much joy they bring to the town. Win, lose or draw is how to actually support a team. You pile up this crap about your love for team spirit...but you’re just like any other complainer. When things go bad, someone must pay...”TRUE FANS” Don’t buy into all this crap.

Spartan, What have you done to actually support the team...send an email to a player...make a sign at the game...stay all the way to the end and cheer, not boo...99 percent of the time you sit here on the blog waiting for your opportunity to have a remark that has done nothing to do with nothing except complain. Try something different, like”””” DON’T POST””””
wow touchy aren't we? try decaf

how exactly am i 'affecting the team'? the majority of my posts are directed towards what i see as inane comments from posters that amount to 'go bengals' - i have never posted about my regard for 'team spirit' - i simply don't believe fans (or bizare fan behavior) matter in the overall scheme of things

you are free to think believe and feel otherwise - you don't like my opinion? great you're welcome not to (and not to read it either) - i also don't buy into the 'jump on the bandwagon' sentiment many posters display

as for my contributions to the progam... i added it up - by my account i have donated some $27,000 to isu athletics over the past 10 years (thats as far back as my computer records go) - but now that you mention it.... maybe i should just post a bunch of bs about how 'we' need to do this or that... then maybe i could join 'your little club'
There are indeed many ways to contribute.
And Spartan, your $ contributions ARE a worthy jesture unequaled by the majority.
However, in light of that, it confuses me more the attitude and approach you take with Bengal football??
Rarely would you find a DONOR of your magnitude with such negative comments about the team.
Maybe you are just that kind of guy who enjoys the 'devil's advocate' in every situation???
Or maybe you were the captain of the debate team in high school.
Or maybe you just crave negative vibe attention because you were 'scorned in another world'?
Whatever it don't matter. This is a blog and your free to right just about anything you want.
Just always be prepared for the responses of the popular sentiment.
And as for the bandwagon characterization, that should be left for those who continuously 'get on and then off'
I for one have never gotten off, nor will I ever.

as for my contributions to the program... I added it up - by my account i have donated some $27,000 to isu athletics over the past 10 years. (Spartan)

This is my point. Spartan, you have a lot of people that respect your opinion on what is going on and they believe what you say. But as a first year fan for me I read what you say and sometimes I feel like I need to attend another school.
You and others supporters like your self could help turn this program around. Instead of pushing people off the wagon help build a rail to keep them on.

“Be the Best”
Stress not. the fake greek is not normal for a Bengal fan. Over the last 20+ years, I have come to the realization that Bengal supporters are, by the vastest majority, the most decent and supportive people you will ever know. I believe you will find that to be the case also.
"Fans don't matter overall in the scheme of things"

I'm sure any good college program would disagree, along with hundreds of thousands of fans. Wanna try having a winning program without fan support? Why is it that a team like Penn State, who hasn't mattered this decade as a program (save for 2005) is incredibly hard to beat at home? Or LSU or Ohio State? Why is it damn near impossible to beat Texas A&M at home? Why can't teams derail Montana at home; EWU couldn't do it.

Closer to home you wish? BS-U, I will grudgingly admit, is very hard to beat at home. So is Montana. Wonder why? Talent alone can't bear the burden...

Teams ride on a wave of momentum and support. Fan support is one of the best motivators in all of sports, spartan. It's something your..."logic" cannot hope to understand.

I find your lack of faith...disturbing...
dude... no one should ever admit to having 'a million' pictures of themselves blowing a horn :shock: :shock: :shock:
Lolz, no that's the only one. All the others are of me doing other things. Namely cheering (although I AM an amateur photographer; I love taking pictures! Especially, believe it or not, of scenic views...like mountains)
super - all sarcasm aside - perhaps its time for you to seek some type of 'official status' with the cheer squad (or whatever its called). while i may have differences of opinion on what and how things should be done with many on this board - your enthusiasm for bengal sports cannot be disputed - leading the teams onto the field in your wild and crazy fashion along with a bengal flag might just be the ticket (you and your enthusiasm could be included and shared and (if you will allow me to say so) your more 'excitable moments' (language) could be channeled along a more constructive path) - it might be worth investigating
I do get a lot of people telling me I should get on as a cheerleader. I'm actually giving it a bit of thought. And I have gotten better at the language thing. Nothing has broken out since the Montana game November 10th last year (not since Kaylyn Fager gave me a chewing out).

I also declared myself the patron saint of the soccer team (because Benny and the Cheerleaders don't go to those), so I get to lead them out on the field every once in awhile.

It's always been a dream of mine to lead out the football team on the field, like I used to do when I was the mascot for Poky High.

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