So, we all know, if he sticks around, which we all doubt will happen, that Damian Lillard will be the best player in the state next year. But, as already stated, that, in all likelihood, isn't gonna happen. Hopefully, as a Jazz fan, he will still be in the state next fall. If not, we will support him where ever he lands.
Okay, so, if he leaves, who takes over for him? The last few years it has been pretty easy figuring out who the top collegiat basketball player in Utah has been. It might be a bit more difficult next year. Also, just for kicks and bengalhater's...who is the best incoming Freshman next year (there still could be some surprises). I'm not trying to be offensive or biased against any team (even though I hate the Mutes with a passion, I have nothing against their players (Chris Hill is a total wank, but...). Everyone feel free to comment.
Scott Bamforth
Davion Berry
Incoming Fresh: Joel Bolomboy or Kyndahl Hill (both had terrific SR years and Hill has really progressed)
Kyisean Reed
Preston Medlin
Incoming Fresh: Riley Bradshaw
Jackson Stevennette (sp?)
Holton Hunsaker
Ben Aird (Why on earth didn't anyone else want this kid in Utah? He was in our backyard and we totally missed him. How many other Utahans are we missing out on?
Brandon Davies
Carlino guy
(Tyler Haws will be back)
Incoming Fresh: Chatman (according to ESPN BYU doesn't get the highest rated players...that says something about their HC Rose)
Glenn Dean
Incoming Fresh: Jordan Loveridge
Okay, so, if he leaves, who takes over for him? The last few years it has been pretty easy figuring out who the top collegiat basketball player in Utah has been. It might be a bit more difficult next year. Also, just for kicks and bengalhater's...who is the best incoming Freshman next year (there still could be some surprises). I'm not trying to be offensive or biased against any team (even though I hate the Mutes with a passion, I have nothing against their players (Chris Hill is a total wank, but...). Everyone feel free to comment.
Scott Bamforth
Davion Berry
Incoming Fresh: Joel Bolomboy or Kyndahl Hill (both had terrific SR years and Hill has really progressed)
Kyisean Reed
Preston Medlin
Incoming Fresh: Riley Bradshaw
Jackson Stevennette (sp?)
Holton Hunsaker
Ben Aird (Why on earth didn't anyone else want this kid in Utah? He was in our backyard and we totally missed him. How many other Utahans are we missing out on?
Brandon Davies
Carlino guy
(Tyler Haws will be back)
Incoming Fresh: Chatman (according to ESPN BYU doesn't get the highest rated players...that says something about their HC Rose)
Glenn Dean
Incoming Fresh: Jordan Loveridge