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Big Sky Men's Tournament


Staff member
I have been fairly apathetic towards basketball this season. It may have to do with the performance of the team but it's more likely that I have had more fun things to pay attention to this winter (Broncos and Premier League soccer).

Anyway, Tuesday afternoon against Portland State may be our only decent shot at a postseason W. Good luck Bears.
I like our chances against PSU. We seem to match up okay against others okay, but I agree our best chance is against the Vikings.
I have watched this team all year and they are definitely a Jekyll & Hyde Team. When they play DEFENSE the entire game they can play with anyone. We also need to have a more dominant presence at the post position to be successful. Go Bears
One and done. I'm sick of this. If we don't see a massive turnaround next season, we need to show Hill the exit. I'm tired of seeing his teams play zero defense. He preaches it, but he's not recruiting players who know how to play it.
First of all, I was pulling for the Bears just like everyone on this board. Loosing Cam hurt this squad. Still frustrating that everyone of his concussions happened at practice. I continue to hope he has no lasting sequela. I also hope Hill figures it out regarding practicing hard but smart...

Regarding Hil,l he is what he is, I will say his post game comments were kinder and gentler this year. I liked the fact there was less blame on the kids and more ownership on his part. Maybe he is figuring that out a little.

Regarding the one and done it really shouldn't suprise anyone. Thats been the Bears MO under Hill win one loose one. We beat Montana the other night so guess what is coming next.

IMHO what is missing at UNC is a culter or a brotherhood if you will. It wont matter what kids are there playing as long as Hill is leading the program. From my point of view, he has a hard time convincing kids to buy in. I know some will say they are spoiled and get an education for free ect.... Until Hill learns how to make it fun my prediction is a lot more of the same results for the Bears.

Until next years
Go Bears
Funny how history repeats itself. Here's the culture/brotherhood that I'm referencing. We had this conversation about 3 years ago. Not much has changed under his leadership. The following is a cut and paste from the 'Fire Coach Hill' thread on this forum.

bearuncle said:
Godeev said:
I believe that many atheletes would say about there coaches "He is like a father figure." Coach Hill is not that guy. I am not sure how many of you have ever had an extended conversation with him but I wouldn't categorize him as a personable guy, not that that is bad, it is just who he is. I like Coach Hill a lot, I respect him, and believe he is the man for the job. he greatly understands my kid, how to motivate him, and what he needs to do to get better. They wont be spending much time hugging it out or talking about many things related to off the court issues. I do not feel that he is a "relationship builder" but, there is no arguing that he is a very good coach. I believe the relationship building has been happening with his coaching staff and the players, not so much with Coach Hill. The man knows basketball and doesn't let all of the other stuff cloud what needs to be done on the court and I have to admit, I kind of like that.
Individual players may not be getting better or worse or whatever under Coach Hill but the team is wining and working well together. I do believe in the rewarding of starters to get an understanding as to the rank structure of the team, but when you have a team like this, with this much talent, and this deep, I believe Coach Hill has built a "no matter who is on the floor, we can win" culture... And that in itself is extremely hard to do. So, who cares who individually is doing what... The team looks great, plays great, has confidence, and knows it can contend. Maybe a few hiccups along the way with teams they should beat might've good to build a little character and make them more competitive later in the year when it really counts...

This is a very insightful post. I would suggest it has been my exact experience with Hill. Do you fire a coach for the lack of personality of course not. Could it be why we talk about the lack of developement of some kids or a team in general you bet.

A bigger question in my mind: does Hill have the skill set and personality to develope UNC into a Big Sky power? Or are we going to have 1 to 2 years of tough sledding between solid clubs like this years squad? My guess is he has achieved to his level of success and I don't see him headed to a major college like Tad Boyle did. Does that mean he should be fired? No IMO it just means he should grow as an individual and coach just like he asks the young men that play for him.

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