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Big Sky newcomers next season


Active member
How is the rest of the league shaping up in terms of recruting?Any transfers from the power leagues ?Any info would be great,thanks
Look here in the next week or 2 for an update about Big Sky recruiting:


WeberHoops.com Blogger Rod Eyre will be posting an article analyzing the 9 teams' incoming recruiting class.

About Rod Eyre
He graduated from WSU in 2003 with 3 majors. He recently graduated with a masters from Utah State. He is an avid Weber fan that has only missed a small hand ful of WSU home basketball games this decade. Also, he has seen MOST of the home games in the Dee Events Center in the past 25+ years.

Following WSU and Big Sky recruiting is one of his hobbies.

He has been to most of the Big Sky schools except for EWU & Sac I believe. He was in Portland for the Big Sky Tourney in 2008.

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